
General announcement:
          	Hello hello, yea I know I haven't been on Wattpad much these days (if not years; I still do read from time to time but I don't post things here much), hence this announcement. 
          	I will be posting discontinuation announcements on my books that aren't one-shots because I have lost interest in them and ideas as to how to continue writing them. After some time, I will be archiving them from the public view. 
          	I will be soon posting some more one-shots (specifically Genshin Impact cuz that's what my current interest is). 
          	That will be all for today. Have a nice day! :D
          	TL;DR - - Will post announcements about discontinued books, will then soon archive them after. Will post/update Genshin Impact one-shots book.


General announcement:
          Hello hello, yea I know I haven't been on Wattpad much these days (if not years; I still do read from time to time but I don't post things here much), hence this announcement. 
          I will be posting discontinuation announcements on my books that aren't one-shots because I have lost interest in them and ideas as to how to continue writing them. After some time, I will be archiving them from the public view. 
          I will be soon posting some more one-shots (specifically Genshin Impact cuz that's what my current interest is). 
          That will be all for today. Have a nice day! :D
          TL;DR - - Will post announcements about discontinued books, will then soon archive them after. Will post/update Genshin Impact one-shots book.


And it took me this long to remember I posted something here- Anyways, I'm planning out a one-shot book and will be editing this one book here because my present-self cannot handle what her 2017-self has written-
          Have a good day! :D


If any one of you play Genshin Impact on the Asia server, and u played random coop on Viridescent domain, and u saw a Venti user using his burst a few seconds after the challenge started just a few hours ago, that may or may not be me lmao-
          Bonus points if the name of the player is "Andiii." (I'M BUILDING KAZUHA AND VENTI ATM TWTTT-)


Hey how are ya


@FlamerStorymaker Whoaaa!!! We're just a month away from being free from school. Best of luck with your school year ending!!! I hope you don't forget to rest and drink water!!!




Maraming salamat po sa chimken nuggetz na bulok na HAHAHAHA-


@maxkasieh WHY ARE U STILL AWAKE AT THAT HOUR LMAO- (Said by the person who's still awake at 4am-)


Slr po, here is your chimken nuggets with a discount card since it took a year to reply :(


The amount of old draft chapters and books here I swear- (I don't even remember the context of the others by now)
          I'm so sorry that I haven't written much for the nearly past year-


Update to this old message lmao- 
            I'm looking back on my unpublished and unfinished books, I'm crying over the prompts I used like bruh, I'd like to ask my earlier self why-