
          	Roses are red
          	Violets are blue
          	Pumpkins are orange 
          	Jack O lanterns are out to get you
          	Little kids dressing up
          	Teens are bored 
          	Adults are gone 
          	Halloween is darker than most people are prepared for 
          	Demons under your bed 
          	Ghosts in your closet 
          	Is that a Ouija board?
          	Don't do anything stupid or you'll be haunted


          Roses are red
          Violets are blue
          Pumpkins are orange 
          Jack O lanterns are out to get you
          Little kids dressing up
          Teens are bored 
          Adults are gone 
          Halloween is darker than most people are prepared for 
          Demons under your bed 
          Ghosts in your closet 
          Is that a Ouija board?
          Don't do anything stupid or you'll be haunted


Since it's getting to be super close to Halloween and still can't get it to be able to create a book cause there is no bottom that I haven tried to be able to get to be able to publish and its saddest thing I guess cause I feel weird posting these on conversations but it's the only way to get feedback on my poems when people actually read them and comment.


Pain reminds us that we are alive.
          But all it does us make me want to die. 
          I loved and loved and loved. 
          I cried and cried and cried. 
          Pain is all I feel. 
          But I am still alive. 
          I breathed and breathed and breathed.
          I smiled and smiled and smiled.
          Pain is a constant reminder. 
          But I learned my lesson. 
          I changed and changed and changed. 
          I survived and survived and survived. 
          Pain lives in my head now. 
          But I know better than to let someone do that to me again. 
          I escaped and escaped and escaped. 
          I live and live and live.


Are you the one to heal my heart? 
          Are you the one that it's safe to fall? 
          I'm scared 
          My hearts a thumping
          My minds a screaming
          And I don't know what to do
          This heart of mine is broken and bruised
          But you seem to be carrying the glue
          Do I stay?
          Do I leave? 
          My heart can't take another knife
          It would bleed to death
          I would bleed out 
          But you seem to be carrying the safety net
          Are you carrying bandages too? 
          Do I walk this path? 
          Or do I stray off onto another? 
          My heart says yes
          My mind screams "DONT RISK IT"


Clocks and Time
          What a cruel thing it is 
          It goes on and on without a care in the world 
          It will wait for no one
          It continues, 
          Always watching, 
          Always ticking away. 
          Not caring as it stays, 
          And watches us,
          It continues
          Never changing. 
          Just a stone face on the wall
          Without a care at all.


"Once upon a time"
          I whispered to myself
          I thought you were a knight in shining armour
          And I your princess
          I had fought your dragons 
          I had thought you fought my demons
          Our story had taken a terrible turn
          You turned into the drunken who takes a whore home
          And I your little wife
          I stayed the course flipping the page
          You had decided I was no longer worth your time
          I slame our book shut, wet splotches covering the pages
          Lighting what I had felt for you on fire 
          Staring at what's left of me 
          Cracks lining the edges
          I whispered to myself
          "Never again, will I say once upon a time"


Since I can't find a way to post a story since I don't have the app. I'm going to actually put my poetry out on this so here it goes.


Omg wow I love ya poetry keep up the Fabauous work 