Hey guys, how's it going? It's been a while, huh? I apologize for my super long hiatus, senior year has been busy as heck!! Good news is, I've been accepted to 5 of the 8 colleges I applied to, and fortunately, I got accepted to an awesome program where I will have a full tuition scholarship, meaning as long as my grades are maintained at a certain level, I won't have to pay for my classes! Of course, I still would have to pay for dorming since I want to try it out, ya know? And yeah, I also applied for a scholarship recently, so that was fun X"D
Long story short, I haven't been able to get on, but I think I'm planning to update some of the stories I have on here, including Musical Land if anyone misses that (Also, for anyone who knows about Utapri, have you seen the recent game called Shining Live? It is awesome and I fangirl very much XD), and then my art book. I hope you guys have all been well!