
          	Hello Everyone
          	I just wanted to provide an update and thank everyone for being patient with me.
          	So life has been... a lot lately.
          	-On July 26th I had an episode at work where I fainted and ended up in the ER
          	-Because I'm such a graceful person when I fainted I sprained my ankle in the process.
          	-I have been out of work since July 26, my boss and HR is trying to push me out of my job without using the words fired because that would be illegal, so I was denied workers comp, I was put on involuntary FMLA and I'm currently making no money 
          	-I had to put down my sweet dog Ryder. His disease had progressed to the point that his quality of life was no longer at a level that I found acceptable to torture him with. He has been my best friend for the last 8 years and I am really struggling with losing him. 
          	-My car spent 10 weeks at the mechanic getting a new/used transmission so I had to get a rental car through Lyft that has been eating all of my money to try to maintain, and now that I have been out of work for a couple of weeks I am very broke 
          	-CVS and I are once again fighting to get my testosterone prescription so I missed my dose of testosterone this week just adding to my 13 reasons
          	-Saw the Dr. And Physical Therapy today and I've been referred to get an MRI because my sprained ankle is still swelling and doing things it shouldn't do. Current thought based on my last 3 sets of xrays is that I might have fractured my foot, not just sprained my ankle 
          	So yeah life has been a lot, I don't know when I will get back to writing. I really want to write, but any time I have had time to sit down to try to write I can't find any words to put on the page. My stress levels are currently giving me migraines and ive developed a fun tremor in my left hand. Thank you for you patience and I swear I will get back to writing when I can ❤️


@MusicalSurge  life hard I now that for myself , but just take your time to get better we your readers will be here when you return . I'm sorry to hear about your dog aswell when I lost my own dog it was heart breaking .  Hope to hear form you soon as I love your story's but take the time you need to be healthy physical, emotional and mental.  Sending my love  


Hi is your story drarry please


Any of them please


@Monntiger Which one? I have many stories but I think I have 1 that is drarry


          Hello Everyone
          I just wanted to provide an update and thank everyone for being patient with me.
          So life has been... a lot lately.
          -On July 26th I had an episode at work where I fainted and ended up in the ER
          -Because I'm such a graceful person when I fainted I sprained my ankle in the process.
          -I have been out of work since July 26, my boss and HR is trying to push me out of my job without using the words fired because that would be illegal, so I was denied workers comp, I was put on involuntary FMLA and I'm currently making no money 
          -I had to put down my sweet dog Ryder. His disease had progressed to the point that his quality of life was no longer at a level that I found acceptable to torture him with. He has been my best friend for the last 8 years and I am really struggling with losing him. 
          -My car spent 10 weeks at the mechanic getting a new/used transmission so I had to get a rental car through Lyft that has been eating all of my money to try to maintain, and now that I have been out of work for a couple of weeks I am very broke 
          -CVS and I are once again fighting to get my testosterone prescription so I missed my dose of testosterone this week just adding to my 13 reasons
          -Saw the Dr. And Physical Therapy today and I've been referred to get an MRI because my sprained ankle is still swelling and doing things it shouldn't do. Current thought based on my last 3 sets of xrays is that I might have fractured my foot, not just sprained my ankle 
          So yeah life has been a lot, I don't know when I will get back to writing. I really want to write, but any time I have had time to sit down to try to write I can't find any words to put on the page. My stress levels are currently giving me migraines and ive developed a fun tremor in my left hand. Thank you for you patience and I swear I will get back to writing when I can ❤️


@MusicalSurge  life hard I now that for myself , but just take your time to get better we your readers will be here when you return . I'm sorry to hear about your dog aswell when I lost my own dog it was heart breaking .  Hope to hear form you soon as I love your story's but take the time you need to be healthy physical, emotional and mental.  Sending my love  


Hello @everyone 
          I wouldn't normally do this. But I'm afraid I haven't much of a choice right now. 
          I know the economy sucks right now and everyone is struggling but if you have even a dollar, would you mind donating it to either my ko-fi or my cash app so I can pay for Ryder's vet bill and cremation fee?
          Cash App: $AllySheaSurge

          Again anything helps and I'm sorry I'm even having to ask for it right now. Thank you everyone for your kind words over Ryder's passing, I'm struggling to get through the days right now, but so far I've only cried twice today so that's my win.
          Hug your furbabies for me extra tight today ❤️


@MusicalSurge I wish I could but I'm poor and still in school. Sorry.


So! Some Updates for everyone :
          I probably won't be making any updates for a little while. I don't know how long. 
          -Yesterday 7/26 I got to work and while receiving report from one of my RNs my heart rate and blood pressure dropped suddenly and made me faint. I'm fine, have a referral for the cardiologist, but I tore a ligament in my ankle when I fell, so I get to enjoy a walking boot for the foreseeable future.
          -This morning 7/27 my dog Ryder stopped being able to stand up under his own power. His ALS has progressed to the point that on Friday morning 8/2 I will be taking him in to be euthanized. This week Ryder will be spoiled and loved and he will leave this earth in our arms and without anymore more pain.  I've had an amazing 8 years with him and I wish we would have had more but he means the world to me and I don't want him to be in pain any longer than he has to be. 
          I don't know how long it will be before I get back into the swing of writing, you may get some depressing one shots in the process of me coping with losing Ryder. 
          I love you all and please hug and kiss your furbabies for me this week ❤️


@MusicalSurge sending lots of love and well wishes