❗️Account revision currently in progress!

Don't follow just to unfollow

Don't come expecting happy or PG stories from me

Everyone is welcome here, and it is a safe space. Hate toward myself or others will not be tolerated, and you will be blocked.

~All productions are on hold~

You know that boy you pushed earlier? He committed suicide last night. That girl you called fat? She's starving herself. And that boy you teased for crying? His mother died. That man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. That man you stole that leather it pouch from? He's homeless. And everyone else you've been mean or rude to? You have either hurt them really bad, or ruined their life. All it takes is kindness to make someone else's day, week, month, or year.
  • CrazyVill Hell USA, Broken Dreams
  • RegistriertMay 8, 2017

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musiclover13980 musiclover13980 Sep 20, 2024 08:44PM
Looking for a affordable commission for a pfp, does anyone have any recommendations?
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