
I’ve been MIA for A LONG TIME I know and I apologize. I promise to be more active with chapter updates and edits!! I sincerely appreciate your constant support! Xoxo


And can i just say how blown away I am by the  amount  of reads there are on CV? 11k?? Woweeeee  ❤️❤️❤️


I know I haven't posted in awhile but please bear with me...School starts soon (5 days Yikes!) and this whole summer I have PROCRASTINATED on my summer work...(smh I got to do better) So currently I'm trying hankering down to type up two essays by monday at the latest, and finally update CV, so hopefully chapter 16 will be up by Tuesday!! And can I just say for the millionth time how much I love you guys?! 4.2K?!! 126Votes? 27comments?! Lordy Lordy Lord!! Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting and offering advice-UGHHH! I can't even put in WORDS how much I love you all!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! XOXO all around!!!