
Yikes, it's been a month since the last update already!! 
          	Sorry for the delay everyone... I'll try and find time over the next few weeks to get some more writing done! 


Hi Jackie! Thank you SO much for reading The Phrontistery! I hope you enjoyed reading it! :) If you like my writing I hope you'll consider checking out some of my other stories, too :) Please add it to your library so you can keep updated of the new chapters!


So I just hit 700 followers. 
          That's insane and incredible and just adnslfdkgf. 
          Thanks so much to everyone for being so patient with me. I've not been having the greatest of times since my return from my European holiday, but it means so much that you're all still here and sharing my fics with our amazing fandom/community! 
          Thanks for the support from my twitter followers who have put up with my rants and blatant unhappy tweets, and to those who continue to encourage me to write when I felt like it and telling me to take the time I needed before delving back into all of this again.
          I'm currently in the process of writing a one shot of a dream I had late last year - yes i know it's not another chapter for one of the three current WIP's i currently have going, and i apologise for that, but i think once this one shot is up then my confidence in writing and my passion for this world will once again hit me with the urge to continue telling these stories I've held onto for so long.
          So again, thank you for being patient, and for following me and sharing my little stories. 
          I shall endeavour to return as soon as I can with the thrilling tales of Tyler and Troye I currently have running rampant through my mind.
          Until then, my dear readers, I hope you have a marvellous day! 
          - Jackie xx