As-salāmu ʿalaykum!
Guess what guys, I'm back! I realized it has been exactly 4 years since I updated Islamic Short Stories. I did today, alhamdulillah, if you want to check it out. Thank you for all your support and amazing messages. Again, I just would like to remind anyone who might be reading this that whatever good that comes from me is from Allah. I'm far from being a perfect Muslim. So all praises be to Him. ❤
I was just thinking that since I have more free time now, I'd update the book as an everyday thing, if y'all are okay with it?
On a more serious note: If y'all have heard about the Marawi Siege in the Philippines by some ISIS sympathizers, well, I live there. :( We evacuated in a nearby city, only an hour away. We're okay, alhamdulillah, but a lot of families are not. Some are also still stuck there in the city. It has been more than three weeks now and the fighting is still going on between the Philippine military and the Maute Group. There have been bombings and lootings inside the city. It's truly a terrible time for us. Some are staying in the evacuation centers. It is very heartbreaking that this has to happen in Ramadhan. Please remember these displaced families in your du'as. If you have any way to help, maybe you can.
Please make a du'a for me too and the Muslim Ummah. Make one for yourself, friends, and family too. Ramadhan Mubarak!