@Muslimbyheart it is in my works if u checkmit can be abt anyting relaed to islam like a knowlede book fiction I dont mind but its in my works so check it out
Asalamualaykum wa rahmatullah!
Jazak Allahu khairan for the follow! And I have to agree with @MuslimahAtHeart down there because I saw a huge similarity in your usernames when I got the notification =D
Wa alaikum as Salam sister no worries a friend of mine recommended I follow you so I did and yeah lol we have nearly have the same username lol.
Assalaamu 'alaykum. Jazakillahu khair for following me. ;) i was just dropping by your message board to mention how funny it is that we almost have the same username. Almost. :D I hope you're having a nice day. ;)