
Sunnahs of Eid (pt 6)
          	6 – Going to the prayer by one route and returning by another. 
          	It was narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: On the day of Eid, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to vary his route. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 986. 
          	It was said that the reason for that was so that the two routes would testify for him on the Day of Resurrection, for the earth will speak on the Day of Resurrection and say what was done on it, both good and bad. 
          	And it was said that it was in order to manifest the symbols of Islam on both routes, or to manifest the remembrance of Allaah (dhikr), or to annoy the hypocrites and Jews, and to scare them with the large number of people who were with him. And it was said that it was in order to attend to the people’s needs, to answer their questions, teach them, set an example and give charity to the needy, or to visit his relatives and uphold the ties of kinship.
          	 And Allaah knows best.


Asalamu alikum sister. Hope you are well in shaa Allah. I need some help, I want to all Muslim sister community on wattpad and make a Instagram group chat so we can get to know each other and also learn from each other and inspire the world through our views as writing is everything. It’s when we come together we see this success, can you message me please.


Salaam sister, I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to ask if you can check out @asiya323 story Mistaken Perception. She is a great storyteller. I  think you will really enjoy her stories in sha Allah. She is one of my favorite authors here on wattpad


Assalamu'alaikum. I would like to join your club but I'm no writer. I just want to meet new people, share ideas and learn as much as I can inshaa'Allah. Do you have a WhatsApp group, if not how does this work? I don't really do or know much about Wattpad, I mostly vote,  comment and read ...of course but I know it's much more than that. 


Asallamu alleykum. I am new to wattpad and started writing stories (yet to be discovered). 
          So I saw one of ur books called Islamic short story contest. 
          Does it still exist, I mean the contest. 
          If yes then I have few questions on that.
          Will be waiting for ur answer.