Had my last day of work before going back to school the other day. I didn't realize how much community you could build. I worked at an amusement park as a ride operator and they have this cool program where international students get to come and stay in a dorm and work over the summer. Almost everyone on my team was in this program so I met all these wonderful people from around the world and learned about what they study and their families it was fun! And I made some nice cash out of it too.
I'm gonna miss them so much honestly, but if all goes well we will be working together again next summer. I've also changed my college major. I was originally a nursing student, and quite frankly idk why I chose it. Nothing about science or the medical field really interested me. I was always more rooted in the arts and literature. One night while at a dinner with friends I told them about my dilemma and they told me about how Im always writing stuff, and how interesting of a career I could make out of it. And I do love it so much. So I've become an English major now. With a minor in business economics. I think I felt this pressure to be successful and rich. And that came with nursing. I may not be some nice suburban resident with a job in health but a writer in a little apartment with lots of plants around me and minimal space. I could see that.
I don't need everything in life. I see that now. I just need to feel safe and fulfilled. And I've gotten that out of this summer so far ✨.