
          	What string instrument would Etho play? I'm so confused right now. Personally I don't keep up with his content so I can't write his personality correctly. Currently I have him as a cello but I'm probably going to scrap that at a later date. I'm trying to get over this writer's block and my sister suggested I try to write an orchestra au for Hermitcraft. 
          	Which Hermit would play which instrument? 
          	I NEED OPINIONS


@Mutie5793 I mean Doc is pretty tall, but as a violinist I’ve had fun watching people who are like four feet tall playing the double-bass and trying not to laugh. Also, there are some other string instruments that I know of, like the tagelharpa (really want to learn to play one) and the rebec.


@oddynn HAHAHAHAH WAIT THAT HASNT OCCURED TO ME YET but the biggest question is who's tall enough to play an octobass? defo not bdubs lol


@EmberDragon34 no issok i'll keep that in mind for a band au! super interesting tho maybe xisuma and ren can join a jazz band and grian can be the annoying trumpet kid >:D


          What string instrument would Etho play? I'm so confused right now. Personally I don't keep up with his content so I can't write his personality correctly. Currently I have him as a cello but I'm probably going to scrap that at a later date. I'm trying to get over this writer's block and my sister suggested I try to write an orchestra au for Hermitcraft. 
          Which Hermit would play which instrument? 


@Mutie5793 I mean Doc is pretty tall, but as a violinist I’ve had fun watching people who are like four feet tall playing the double-bass and trying not to laugh. Also, there are some other string instruments that I know of, like the tagelharpa (really want to learn to play one) and the rebec.


@oddynn HAHAHAHAH WAIT THAT HASNT OCCURED TO ME YET but the biggest question is who's tall enough to play an octobass? defo not bdubs lol


@EmberDragon34 no issok i'll keep that in mind for a band au! super interesting tho maybe xisuma and ren can join a jazz band and grian can be the annoying trumpet kid >:D


I can't believe it's been a year ;-;
          Anywhoo uni's killing my butt and I'm busy writing essays instead of fanfics but just wanted to drop by to say that I miss all of y'all
          It's been 3 years (and 6 days) since I first joined Wattpad and I've found so many loving people on this platform and I constantly check back to see what people have been doing (even tho I don't talk)
          Since it's almost Christmas I think I'll try to get one more oneshot up and revamp a few of my older ones (I can't read most of them without cringing) as a little goal 
          Lots of love,


Updated my fandoms page and yes, I'm (sadly) not in the Hermitcraft fandom anymore. Ever since the crossover with Empires SMP (which is very lore heavy) I stopped watching Hermits. I really hate lore (one of the many reasons I stopped watching the Dream SMP) and can't keep up with storylines to save my life. So, yes. My MCYT oneshots book will be on status complete from now on, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving the MCYT fandom. There are still many MCYTs that I love, like IvoryCello, Fundy, and Kiingtong (manz just got back from a 2-year hiatus). Maybe I'll start a hogwarts/mcyt crossover formally and start posting again.
          Til next time,


@Mutie5793 *knows what date it is and hopes it’s a joke*


The absolutely shittiest thing just happened to my stand partner today-
          We were in orchestra and then SOMEONE (*cough cough* a violist *cough cough*) knocked over his cello. Everyone heard a crack and when he went to check, not only was the bridge BROKEN IN TWO but the FREAKING SOUND POLE came out-
          (For all of you non-musicians out there, a sound pole is what lets a string instrument make sound [its in the name]. Without a sound pole, your instrument is just a block of wood with wires attached to it)
          Aaaaaaaaand this is why we all hate violas /jjjjjjjjjjj


@Mutie5793  OH NOOO!!
            also wow the viola slander okay
            but that sucks!! 


@Mutie5793 OH NO D:
            Thats so upsetting im so sorry for them- qmq


this message may be offensive
When I realize I'm only 19 days away from being able to drive legally:
          oH sHiT-
          When I realize my sister is also 19 days away from being able to own a Instagram account legally:
          dOuBlE oH sHiT-


Confession Time: My username is a ship name cut in half and a lucky keyboard spam
          Mutie: If any of y'all have watched Big Hero Six: The Series, you would probably understand the mutie reference
          5793: On a QUARTZ keyboard, 3 5 7 & 9 are all one key apart: 3-5-7-9 (carry the three) 5-7-9-3
          Put two and two together: Mutie5793
          If one is willing to share, how did y'all stumble upon your username?/gen I'm curious now


I'm so sorry for neglecting my oneshot book. I've been developing many series and working on my DreamNotFound story for three weeks non-stop now. Adding on tests that are kind of like the SATs, I'm very sorry to announce that I have to take a hiatus from Wattpad. During this period, I'll try and get back onto my feet and work on oneshots offscreen. I think that after May, things will become better. Remember to drink water and I love y'all <3 /p


I'll still be active on Storm's (NinjaKitty) Discord server tho I'm not going to vanish off the face of earth completely <3