
Who else finished stranger things s4 


You know Muzan, for someone with 5 brains I'm just laughing my thicc arse off that you haven't even thought about using a parasol to get to the blue spider lily


Astra: greetings kibutsuji, it's a pleasure (it's not) to meet you^^
          Yoriichi: ...
          Astra: you see, a friend told me about you and i thought " why don't i make this as a trip " now here i am bringing yoriichi with me, he seem to really want to kill you right now. I have a question though, do you prefer committing seppuku for all of the sin you have made or get killed by yoriichi?
          Yoriichi: ... *katana in hand*


            Astra: the third kibutsuji was someone i have encounter before and i don't hate him, only a little and it's this little .
            While the 4 one is someone i really don't hate and have met before


          Astra: ah! Why thank you dear friend^^
          Yoriichi: ...this is our trip? Kibutsuji is the person we are meeting..? ........ *unsheathe katana*
          Astra: woah woah! Put that down, i know you hate him and i my self do despise this crusty musty crusty dusty stinky motherfucking old donkey but before you do that lets ask a question, hm?
          Yoriichi: ...why?
          Astra: i don't know, just trust me:)