
          	We've decided chapters 2-5 will be completely reworked. Unlike chapter 2, chapter 1 was partially reworked. Additionally, we're planning more chapters in the near future. Some chapters may be small (100-200 words) which is intentional.


          We've decided chapters 2-5 will be completely reworked. Unlike chapter 2, chapter 1 was partially reworked. Additionally, we're planning more chapters in the near future. Some chapters may be small (100-200 words) which is intentional.


The Revisioned will be available to read again shortly. We're working on providing better background information, fixing any grammar issues, and making it more clear when a character is speaking. On that note, it was originally on my mind to completely delete the entire story, however it was one of my first stories to be published. Therefore it's going to be reworked before any new chapters of The Truth Behind a Broken Mirror.