
Hi Lovely Creatures!!!
          	I posted the first chapter to, Alyss. Please go read and leave some comments please!!
          	I Wuv Chu Creatures!


Hey, My Lovely Creatures.
          Here is a List of the books I will be Editing/ReWriting/Writing before August.
          Immortal [ReWriting]
          Urban Legend: Clown Statue [Editing/Writing]
          Tattoos [Editing/Writing]
          RuleBreakers [Writing]
          Alyss [Writing/Editing]
          Fake Love True Love [Writing]
          The Red Brick Road [Writing]
          Ability [Writing]
          Dialogue Of Death [Writing]
          Acid [Writing]
          Urban Legend: People Can Lick Too [Writing]
          Urban Legend: The Hook [Writing]
          Urban Legend: The Russian Sleep Experiment [Writing]
          Urban Legend: The Vanishing Hitch Hiker (The Woman In White) [Writing]
          Urban Legend: The Room-Mates Death (Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn On The Light) [Writing]
          Urban Legend: Dead Boy-Friend [Writing]
          Urban Legend: The Missing Bride (Bride-And-Go Seek) [Writing]
          Urban Legend: Snakes In Computers [Writing]
          I Wuv Chu, My Creatures.


Hey, My Lovely Creatures.
          I'm sorry that I haven't been writing or editing my stories. I have been busy with winterguard and concert percussion. I just uploaded a new story, Alyss, and I'm starting a new series called, Urban Legends. I have many new books i'm writing, such as, Rulebreakers, Urban Legends, Alyss, Fake Love True Love, and I'm going to be editing my other stories, cause I'm on Spring break.
          I wuv chu, My Creatures.


Give me feedback please
          Leave me some ideas for my next chapters.
          If I like you idea/or choose you use it I will create you a chapter in one of my books.
          So leave me some Feedback/Chapter Ideas/ Your Charcter details and name.
          Thank You,
          Wuv Chu :3
          My Lovely Creatures.


          My Lovely Creatures,
          I know i haven't been posting/ updating my new chapters.
          I am sorry.
          I am dealing with a lot of family drama. Band and Guard have been keeping me from writing.
          I will try to get at least 2 chapters posted this Sunday and Next Sunday.
          Sorry for the hold up.
          Thank you
          Wuv Chu :3
          My Lovely Creatures.


Hey, My Lovely Creatures,
          I posted the 6th Chapter for Immortals.
          Im sorry it was late.
          I have been busy.
          It is a very sexual and sorta sad chapter.
          I will rewrite it later when i have time.
          Im sorry,
          Wuv Chu :3
          Thank you Guys