
Hey guys. I wanted to get on this blog since I don't really use it much. It's really a dead blog. I kind of just wanted to let anyone who really cares an update of what happened. 
          	So a few years ago I used to love Marvel. I still do, but there was a good three years where I just went and saw the movies and didn't do anything else. A lot of people like a few 'friends' and family turned me away from doing anything. I thought all my characters and all my love I put into things like this blog was stupid and pointless. I felt stupid and pointless. So I quit. 
          	Well recently I came back. I started to talking to old friends I made from this blog again. I started to enjoy one of my favorite fandoms again. I feel better about it now, so don't worry. I'm not dead or anything like that. I guess a good three year break was what I needed. Yeah, that's how long it was. I jumped on to vote for things and read old messages. That was it. 
          	Now for this blog, will I be coming back to it? I highly doubt it. Am I deleting it? No. I do have good memories has do other people with it.  If I want to, I might. Just don't hold your breath. Now am I turning away any friends who want to talk to me? No. If you want to reach me, go to my main blog. It's @Copercurlz I'll at it so you can get there easy peasy. 
          	A last message before I close Lianna down for good is I just want to say thank you to the ones who made this blog awesome! I hope to share new memories with you with different characters and maybe a few different fandoms. Or even just real life. I like just hearing about you guys. Maybe someday I'll remake her or remake this blog into someone new. World's still young after all. I'll stop ranting now. Thanks for reading all the way here if you did. Remember I love you all. 
          	Bye guys! 


Hey guys. I wanted to get on this blog since I don't really use it much. It's really a dead blog. I kind of just wanted to let anyone who really cares an update of what happened. 
          So a few years ago I used to love Marvel. I still do, but there was a good three years where I just went and saw the movies and didn't do anything else. A lot of people like a few 'friends' and family turned me away from doing anything. I thought all my characters and all my love I put into things like this blog was stupid and pointless. I felt stupid and pointless. So I quit. 
          Well recently I came back. I started to talking to old friends I made from this blog again. I started to enjoy one of my favorite fandoms again. I feel better about it now, so don't worry. I'm not dead or anything like that. I guess a good three year break was what I needed. Yeah, that's how long it was. I jumped on to vote for things and read old messages. That was it. 
          Now for this blog, will I be coming back to it? I highly doubt it. Am I deleting it? No. I do have good memories has do other people with it.  If I want to, I might. Just don't hold your breath. Now am I turning away any friends who want to talk to me? No. If you want to reach me, go to my main blog. It's @Copercurlz I'll at it so you can get there easy peasy. 
          A last message before I close Lianna down for good is I just want to say thank you to the ones who made this blog awesome! I hope to share new memories with you with different characters and maybe a few different fandoms. Or even just real life. I like just hearing about you guys. Maybe someday I'll remake her or remake this blog into someone new. World's still young after all. I'll stop ranting now. Thanks for reading all the way here if you did. Remember I love you all. 
          Bye guys! 


Hey, guess who's on? ^-^


            so how are things?


@gaytay I can see that!


I feel like at the end of the chapter in Mercy I should just be like, and that kids is how I meant your father. He kidnapped me to be a test monkey and started my fear of needles but in the end we ended up together even though he was a mad scientist. Happy story right?!

          *leans forward and covers your eyes, giggling insanely before whispering evilly* Guess who?...


            Darn. I was thinking of doing that but my mind changed course last minute! XD


            *shacks head laughing* Nope. Maybe if you'd jump out at me instead of covering my eyes, than maybe it would have.


            *smiles* I was just trying to scare you! *jumps up and down* Did it work? Did it, did it, did it???