
Today, I turned one year older. I'll be driving next year :)


So, none of my friends watch Doctor Who and I literally started watching today at around 3 pm but I just started the second season and I know it's 12:04 in the morning but OH MY CROFT ROSE AND THE DOCTOR ARE SO AMAZING TOGETHER I LITERALLY SHIP IT SO HARD AND ITS CRAZY CUZ MOST OF MY SHIPS ARE GAY LIKE DESTIEL AND SABRIEL AND JOHNLOCK AND IM LITERALLY QUESTIONING LIFE RN OOOOOH MA CHUCK!!!!! Okay rant done I just needed to scream lol k bai


Ok- is it just me, or does Harry Potter have a lot of solutions for the problems that happened in it? Like, when Pettigrew escaped, couldn't someone have shouted "accio Peter Pettigrew!" And immediately gotten him? And couldn't someone use a time turner to kill Voldemort? And couldn't harry have used the mirror to check if Sirius was ok before waltzing off to London to save the day? Seriously! (Pun intended). This is why Harry isn't in Ravenclaw. This is why Newt is the best main character in all things Harry Potter related. He's smart! That's my rant :) sorry lol


@pikachumoo not much, just spent Christmas at my aunt and uncles house (which conveniently is literally right by Rian's house). I also started watching the new Sherlock episodes, and lord they are beautiful *cue the teary eyes* yeah, I keep my room generally clean, but I'm spending a lot of time in it since it's still winter break, so it's kind of messy now :3 I never was good at keeping organized XD 


Hey! Miss you too :) lots has happened, I have my own room now and everything! Hope to see you soon too :) honestly there's only 2 people that I actually count as friends at my school. The rest are just people that I talk to sometimes :/ anything new in your neck of the woods?