Haiii. I'm Anna, but you can call me The Falcon. I fangirl over everything. Music is my life. I sing, write, play bass, and act. I wish I could draw, but even my stick people are inferior xD I mostly write poetry and songs, hence why my stories aren't spectacular. Over all, I have a pretty good level of self esteem. I still have a lot of insecurities, but I've learned to get over them. I'm the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet.

I'm 16
I have 2 cats (Norah and Waffle) and a dog (Sirius Black)
I love reading
I have no life at all
I obsess over Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Lord Of The Rings
My favorite member of All Time Low is Rian cause drummers are underrated and he's the most down to earth (or so it seems)
I may or may not love bears and llamas
I'm single, so if you wanna change that, yes I can do long distance, but I have to get to know you first, so please don't be like "hey, so my name is ___ and we're gonna date ok? ok."
I'm insanely awkward
I'll answer ANYTHING honestly.
I have depression, I'm bipolar, anti-social to most people, and I'm getting over anorexia and bulemia, but if I want to talk to you, I'm super hyper and happy.

~Le Music~
**The Word Alive
**All Time Low
**You Me At Six
**Bring Me The Horizon
**We The Kings
**Hey Monday

Stay rad and party on, fuckers<3
  • Hogwarts
  • انضمNovember 8, 2012

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