
Been watching YellowJackets and the fact that there are virtually no Lottie Matthew’s (Specifically Simone Kessell) fic’s out thereeeee. I would absolutely write one but I’m sick with the flu and have so many projects on the back burner lol but BRUH… I need JUST ONEEEE!!! 


Been watching YellowJackets and the fact that there are virtually no Lottie Matthew’s (Specifically Simone Kessell) fic’s out thereeeee. I would absolutely write one but I’m sick with the flu and have so many projects on the back burner lol but BRUH… I need JUST ONEEEE!!! 


New One Shot! This one is a WILD ride. Get ready! Lol. Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think, I’m very curious lol. Happy (Early) New Year!!! Xx


@SweeneyBG Oh shoot, you know it’s real when something makes you do that. Huge compliment! Thank you! I’m really glad you liked it ❤️


@MyFavoriteCloset After I read it, I stared at the ceiling for 10 minutes thinking about life-that's how good this was ahahaha


Susan Sontag on Women… if you guys are looking for a wonderful, feminist read. A friend of mine recommended it to me a few months back, and I’ve just gotten around to reading it. I started it last night and I’m already halfway through. It’s very thought provoking and breaks down feminism so nicely. Highly recommend! 


@catesaussieburger Your public library! I love to hear that! I hope it’s available to you! <3


sounds great, thank you for the recommendation:D gonna see if it’s available in my public library


Happy Holidays everyone! I just wrote a new one shot. Had some time to sit down and give it the proper attention. I went with a different kind of writing style this time! I liked it and thought it was fun. Idk… you tell me what you think! I hope everyone enjoys this and the rest of their holiday or time off! Thank you! Love you guys! Xx 


Guys, I just finished Disclaimer. I think this series genuinely changed me. I’m not even exaggerating. THE DIALOGUE IN THE LAST EPISODE. I have been crying for a half hour. Catherine Elise, they should just hand you the Emmy right now. This might have been the most impressive acting role I have seen Cate in (yes THE MOST). I don’t think I’m going to stop thinking about it. Please comment below with thoughts if you’ve seen it. I would love to discuss! 


@MyFavoriteCloset yeah I’m at like episode 3 I think and so far I’m already in shock by the actual production of this and I can’t wait to finish it especially if you’re saying it’s so good 


@simpforholytrinity I just saw this!!! Have you watched it yet? What do you think about it? 


Ok it’s official I need to watch this show immediately. IMMEDIATELY! I’m going to try to find it right now 


So sad to hear about Gena Rowlands passing away yesterday. My heart goes out to Cate rn (Gena was a big inspiration for her. Basically what Cate is to us), and Gena’s family. She was such a talented, beautiful, and kind lady. If anyone hasn’t had the chance, please do give Gena’s movie’s a watch. She had so much talent! <3


@MyFavoriteCloset RIP Gena Rowlands, I didn't know she was Cate's inspiration. Will make time to watch her movies and shows. :((


Went to see Borderlands today. Cate was SO good in it!!! Really thought the movie overall was weak, and the writing was ROUGH but Cate?!? UGH! She was so good!!! I always love seeing her in action roles! 
          Side note: Ariana Greenblatt was also exceptional. She seemed like she had a lot of fun in this role!  


@MyFavoriteCloset i can’t wait to see it tho, both for cate and ariana (another little fandom i’m in hehe)


@Gay_4_Gaga kinda same? like i’m gonna go see it bc.. well, cate, duh, but on rotten tomatoes it got a staggering 8% the last time i looked which is so bad :/


@GaladrielsTiara now i really wanna see that sceneeee