
working on chapter 29 of Define Sociopath...I have not forgotten about my water lilies <3


Hey guys! I have a quick question. For define sociopath’s next chapter would you guys like for me to write it in first persons point of view or third? Let me know 
          Love -aster


Hey guys thank you all for your support on define sociopath! I say this from the bottom of my heart. I can’t believe it! My story has more than 124k reads so much more than the last time I updated back in September. And you guys got me to spot 36 on the thriller list! I can’t believe it ! I appreciate every single one of you. And I also read all of your comments, it gets me through most of my bad days! I will be trying to update soon. It’s been impossible to find time and when I do find that time I just get consumed with writers block and I can’t write. But I am trying! Reading books has been helping me with that writing slump a bit. I try to write a paragraph or so when I get a chance. My goal is to finish this book and that is what I’m going to do . I won’t abandon you guys or my characters. It’s just impossible to leave characters froze in my writing universe, something just has to happen hahaha. Well again I appreciate you all. Don’t hesitate to let me know how you guys are doing , I wanna know! Without anyone of you this dream and passion of mine wouldn’t be possible. 
          Love Aster