Literally, I cried when I logged into Wattpad and saw 15 notifications! I love seeing that little red circle on my profile. You are probably thinking that I'm a total weirdo rn (which is kinda true) but thanks a lot, please hit that follow button to catch up with my books, which you should read right now. I'm serious. Read them. Yes, right now. Go on. Scram. Shoo. Fine. You take your time. I've got all day to wait. Tick tock tick tock. It's your life not mine. Come back when you've finished. *elevator music* Are you done now? Wait, go back and vote on all the chapters. Don't forget to comment aswell. Come on! Are you done NOW? I haven't forgotten anyhting, have I? Anyways, be sure to DM me if you want to tell me anything or have any questions. I will reply. Didn't I just tell you how much I loved notifications? I could go on forever. Not literally. Okay, I really need to finish up now. Sayanara! Au revoir! Adios! See you next time! Reming your friends to read my books! Possibly a new one coming soon
oh look ive typed 1000 words :P