I miss writing here <3 Maybe I'll start again this summer

Hi :) it’s been awhile omg. Idk if anyone is still here but if you are should I finish my books? <3

@MyLifeLivesHere hey, it's great to see you again well in my opinion it's totally up to you! Like it's your stories so it's all up to your decision towards it everyone is different some leave it untouched some continue their stories but at the end of the day you got to think to yourself is it the right call card or do you feel better where it's already at?

I read your teacher klaine book. it's sooo good so far. Are u going to finish it???

I know I keep saying this but I'm sorry for not updating :( College is kicking my behind. I'm also now going through a breakup so I'm trying to let these feelings past so I don't take out these emotions on Klaine in my book :) I love you all soo much xo -Mercedes

@MyLifeLivesHere Aww sweetheart I am so sorry to hear that I'm sending a massive virtual hug also college will give you more of a hard time than high school does! But you are stronger, you are fearless, you are incredible, you are passionate, you are so many great things we miss you Mercedes but we cannot wait until you really come back remember you can always take as much time as you need to because honestly you don't need to feel like you are rushing if people are making you rush don't listen to them you take your own time because it's your stories for a reason!

hi. I just wanted to say. Sorry for being MIA these past few months. I've just been really busy with school :(. But the semester's almost over so I'll try to update all of my stories during my Christmas break!! xo

@MyLifeLivesHere take as much time as you need to, don't feel like you have rush things stuff like this always does happen. We can't control how busy our schedules get as long as you are looking after yourself and keeping your health on a balance. It's the most 2 important things ever

Is anyone still active and wants me to update? Please let me know <3

@MyLifeLivesHere hello. I personally quite enjoy reading your stories, but we would all understand if you wish to no longer update or take a break. Your happiness in what you do in what is important

@MyLifeLivesHere hey how are you doing and that's totally up to you, just as long as you know you always can take your time for stories because deep down we never rush you because we know busy you can get but we sure do miss you

Uploaded a new chapter of A Teacher!!! : )

Yooo, Happy Birthday, You amazingly talented author!! ❤️

Today’s my birthday!! I’m 19 (:

@Zuza_38 @ellasophia2004 @brittstarlightsky @brittstarlightsky @xThe_NightOwlx @MorganMealer7 @Em53433 thank you guys so much❤️❤️