Been a long while since I've done anything on here. I've been working a bit on my writing skills, and getting through life mainly. Just wanting to gauge interest, are people still interested in fanfics anymore? Especially with the state that, let's say for example, Siege is in, does anybody care anymore? If not, what are some things you'd be interested in reading? I've been heavily overhauling an old story I wrote, and am debating publishing it again. But if nobody is interested, I likely won't publish it. I'm open to writing many different genres, I just want to know what people are interested in reading nowadays. TLDR: What should I write again, fanfics, or try something new? Suggestions are appreciated.
In my opinion, I would just say write whatever you are the most interested in. At this moment, I would say siege is rather hit or miss depending on how you feel about the whole Deimos plot line that Ubisoft is trying to tell