
I have like three other cringy accounts on here (back in my weeb days) and sometimes I see one of them and I just... Why were you created


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So.... I have been tagged in the 13 & 15 facts about yourself thingy? I'm not exactly sure how this works but since I was tagged by princessanime_choa I guess I'll give it a shot? (Probs gonna screw this up but oh well) 
          1. I am 5'8 
          2. I started watching Gintama and I'm already on episode 109 and I feel extremely disappointed in my self 
          3. I am from Nevada 
          4. My first and only internet friend is princessanime_choa 
          5. chill_my_dude_smh_, AceofSpades, aced_times_two, LazyWolfAnime, teddybear500 are all my in real life friends (if I forgot you then I'm so very sorry my memory is shit right now) 
          6. I don't like seafood 
          7. I inhale sweets 
          8. One of my friends calls me Danchou Russia Grell 
          9. I am very enthusiastic about medieval torture devices (the ass impaler and titty ripper are a few of my favorites) 
          7. I once made a story about a little boy named Timmy and it was awful (lets just say I am a terrible human being) 
          8. I am a very awkward-shy so chances are I'm not gonna talk to you unless you talk to me first 
          9. During art I made a weeaboo mask (it was great) and my mom saw and she looked so disappointed in me (I love you mum.) 
          10. My precious computer of two years just broke and now i am sad. 
          11. Kpops pretty legit (I can feel the judgement already)
          12. I have an older brother who is popular and shit while no one knows my name (but apparently they all know I'm his little sister) 
          13. I can't draw for shit 
          14. Another time during art I accidentally made a crime scene in my painting (the woman apparently got her head chopped off) and the art teacher hung it in the hallway. 
          15. I may or may not have made one of my friends afraid of ducks (I am so sorry)
          I don't have a lot friends so just tag yourself I guess. (The laziness is unreal)