
hey guys. Sorry for not updating, my power went out for 2 days and I couldn't access netflix 


I fell in love with your book about the yautja! I really really hope with a cherry on top to write a book 2 please it's really good... So good that I'm literally in tears while reading the last 4 chapters. Your book made my quarantine life more interesting. And I hope to hear from you. ❤️ #bestauthor


this is for the followers that read my Avatar fanfic. I had a theory that I wanted to discuss. Earth benders get their metal bending by bending the earth in the metal, and water benders bend the water in a person's blood. Well in my opinion, water is H2O right? And the H is also found in air. So I think that Aura should be able to bend the air inside of the water particles, making her be able to water bend. Using that would also help my story by making Zuko and everyone still believe a little airbender girl is the avatar. What do you all think? Is it a good theory I should follow behind or should I give up on it? I plan to update soon


I love it! That’s really creative!:)


Here's something I've been thinking of turning into a book. I wanted you guys to decide if you'd like to read it so I'm going to post a few sentences from it to see if it's good enough to write. 
          "You are going to be moved up to fourth seat at the end of your next mission aren't you? That bumps you up to elder doesn't it?" Ophelia asks as her life mate  takes her newest born from her arms, cooing at her happily. 
          "Oh great, that means his dad is gonna be more powerful." The two yauta children groan in annoyance.
          "What did you say?" Kane turns his head slowly, his eyes squinting angrily.
          "Oh dear. Get behind me kids." Ophelia  takes her baby and they all back up as Kane turns to the two.
          "Do the seats in the council determine how powerful someone is?" He walks closer to them. "Do the seats in the council determine how angry you've made me?" Hes now in their faces shouting angrily. "Do the seats in the council determine how much PAIN I can inflict on you for endangering MY son!?"


@kai2min I plan on updating soon. Just dont know when. I just posted a question on my conversations to all of my followers about Her Protector if you'd like to give your feedback


@BabySpinel I was hoping you would update "Her Protecter." If not, then I would like to continue the story with you permission, but I hope you update soon.


If u didn't read the A/N chapter in my mating season story, I changed the cover to something better and more fitting. Ur welcome 


@BabySpinel oh how old are you???


@jkli678 kind of? Havent seen it in a while


@BabySpinel do you like descendants???