
Lately I have been wondering whether I should come back to Wattpad or not. Well I found my answer about two seconds ago. 
          	I am very happy to announce that I will be coming back to Wattpad and continue writing my books. I had a surprise book that may or may not be trashed due to not having knowledge about what I am writing, but I know for sure that I am going to start working on editing of "Demi Lovato Is My Cousin" and "Spring Break" as soon as possible. I will also edit "It All Started Here" and "The Trouble With Me" as well and try to get both back up and updated. 
          	Thank you to those who have stuck around and have been following me as I write and while I have taken these long hiatus'.


Lately I have been wondering whether I should come back to Wattpad or not. Well I found my answer about two seconds ago. 
          I am very happy to announce that I will be coming back to Wattpad and continue writing my books. I had a surprise book that may or may not be trashed due to not having knowledge about what I am writing, but I know for sure that I am going to start working on editing of "Demi Lovato Is My Cousin" and "Spring Break" as soon as possible. I will also edit "It All Started Here" and "The Trouble With Me" as well and try to get both back up and updated. 
          Thank you to those who have stuck around and have been following me as I write and while I have taken these long hiatus'.


I haven't been on Wattpad much since school start mainly because I have so much homework and am absolutely exhausted, but I am definitely going to start trying a bit harder especially since there is a big break coming up where I will have some free time to write. 
          I have  a special "project" I am working on right now that I can not wait to release. Stay updated for the next few days to see when it is posted. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and opinions on it. 
          Thanks for sticking by me while I am super busy.


Damn you, school!
          I have come to realize that school is not exactly my friend. I have more homework to do than ever (mainly due to taking 4 honors classes) meaning I have little to no freetime. 
          I have been working so hard to make revisions to one story that I have recently taken off Wattpad. This way I can make the story better and not as slow of a pace. 
          Also, my story Spring Break is close to having another chapter posted. I only have a couple hundred words left until I'll be happy. 
          In the meantime go watch my YouTube videos : @ Trenton Nygard 


@MyStoriesUncovered buy tbh we all know I'm not gonna do it


@MyStoriesUncovered the only downside is that I skipped Friday and Monday (yesterday) and now I have a helluva lot of homework


As you may or may not have noticed I have unpublished It All Started Here. It is not going away for good, but it will not be back for a long while. I have to make drastic changes to the story before I even think about putting it back on Wattpad. Thank you for understanding.


My goal for tonight is to update Spring Break for you guys and then try and work on It All Started Here. No promises though because you know me I either procrastinate until I am too tired or get side tracked doing something else. 
          Also I join camp NaNoWriMo, so I am starting to write a 50K word story by the end of the month. You should all go join the camp too. It is free and easy!


@MyStoriesUncovered Go to the website. But go to instead of I think


So, I am not usually like this. Self-promotion is not necessarily my favorite thing to do, but I guess this is going to be a small exception. 
          I have a YouTube channel that I would love if you checked out. The link is down below. I need more subscribers in order to start doing certain things, so if you could then I would really appreciate it. So far I am just doing updates about my transition and some certain struggles I have gone through, but I hope to do more fun things in the future. 

          I love you guys so much. Thank you.


Hey, my peoples.
          Finally I finished the 9th chapter of Demi Lovato is my Cousin. I think you guys will really like this chapter. It seems a bit short, but something big happens. Also, I have 2 perspectives for the same event, so I hope you guys enjoy!
          Sorry, it took forever to write, but I haven't had much motivation and I may be getting over slight writer's block. Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait. 
          I am also working on updating It All Started Here and Spring Break. I have been working on these updates for a while and I wish I can make these chapters worth while. Go check them out if you haven't read them yet! I promise you won't regret it. Although I am thinking on starting 'It All Started Here' over again because I don't exactly like the way some things have played out or the way it was written. Can I have some feedback of this story along with all of my other stories as well.
          Thank you to everybody who has read one or more of my stories so far!
          I love you all!
          Thanks again :)


I have spent the last two hours updating all of my story covers. The only reason I would do this is because of the Wattpad Covers app. This was a life-saver and made things a lot easier. 
          Currently I am working on updating Demi Lovato is my Cousin, Spring Break, and It All Started Here. Trying to update more this summer, but no promises because I am the worst at updates. 
          Thank you for all of the reads and votes. Love you, guys!