Um alright Hi party people, it’s me :)
I don’t think I’ve ever written something into this, apart from my best friend writing down lyrics here
Anyways I have a question for you guys, since all of you are reading Larry fics, so you imagine the real people or are these their own characters?
Because for me they always are different characters, like other people not the real Lou and Haz? Am I the only one where it is like this?
@jimithefirst yeah it's the same for me, like they look like Harry and Lou, but aren't them. Like when you read a book that had a movie and imagine the actors
@MyTheBubble same here they look pretty much the same but theyre not the same people as irl (i mean i wouldnt know since i dont actually know either of them privately) if you get what im saying
Bruder das is meine Beichte
Hab unsre Serie weiter geschaut ganz alleine
und deinem Vater gesagt die Kippen warn deine
Und dass deine Ex nen neuen hat
Wusst ich seit dem ersten Tag
Doch ich nehm nichts mit ins Grab
Meine Beichte
Das ich mit deinem Insta meine Fotos like
Hab gelacht doch deine Jokes warn immer scheiße
Ja bitte sei jetzt stark
ich war gestern Nacht
Mit deiner Schwester in Love