
          	NEW YOUNG ADULT EPIC FANTASY (with romance as well <3)
          	The first two and three chapters are up! Go check them out! ;)


          NEW YOUNG ADULT EPIC FANTASY (with romance as well <3)
          The first two and three chapters are up! Go check them out! ;)


Personal Writing Update!
          A few days ago, I received the exciting news that my short story won first place in the teen fiction division of a statewide short fiction contest! I can't say what contest it was (because the internet doesn't need to know what state I live in), but I'm thrilled and wanted to share the news here. 
          *raises a glass of sparkling grape juice* Here's to all the teen writers who wish and dream about being professional and published writers! Here here! Our dreams can come true. And they will. Don't lose hope, my fellow writers. You're amazing.


Writing Resource!
          Today's writing resource post theme is YOUTUBE! Below are the current writing YouTubers I'm subscribed to. I hope this helps!
          Sarra Cannon / Heart Breathings
          Writing With Jenna Moreci
          Bethany Atazadeh
          Current video I'm watching: HOW TO STRUCTURE YOUR BOOK - MY PLOTTING METHOD from Writing with Jenna Moreci. I'm using this video and Jenna's hilarious insights into the three-act structure to revise the plot of my novel. I always get overwhelmed with editing, so having a clear path or structure is beyond helpful. *takes a deep breath and whispers mantra* I will remain sane during editing. I will remain sane during editing...


Writing Life!
          Hello, my writing darlings. Spring break is over. The end of the school year, my senior year, and therefore my high school career, is looming ahead like a glimmering dragon ready to fly me away to new adventures. I'm working to finish school, compete in my final dance and piano comps, and enjoy the last bits of the school year. Good news: sunshine actually warms my skin again. Bad news: I have to shave my legs again.
          On a more writing-related topic, I am SO excited to say that I'm going to be self-publishing the first book of my YA fantasy novel this summer! I'm working on edits before proofing, designing covers for the series, and such. The title and more info will come later. For now, I'll keep updating my current stories (the ones not on hold) and chatting with you here. BTW did you lovelies like the new theme for my profile?
          Good night! Don't let the Writing Block Bugs bite!
          ps. or good morning too


Writing Resource!
          I've realized during this overwhelming period of editing and rewriting for The Sea of Dreams, that my edits were incredibly disorganized. Luckily, I found a great resource. It's called Dabble. I believe it works both in a browser in as an app...don't take my word for it though. I use it just in my browser.  Anyway, part of the program uses a type of index card layout. I optimized it for my editing to-do lists and has worked smoothly so far! This is not sponsored. I just wanted to share something helpful that I found. And it has a great manuscript (yes, you can write your novel in it too!) grammar check much more sophisticated than Google Docs. I'll definitely be using it for my final edits.
          Let me know if you try it out and what you think! How do you Wattpaders organize your writing?


Writing To-Do List:
          1) find shards of sanity in my endless revisions and rewriting *laughs manically while pulling at hair*
          2) post a writing to-do list instead of actually editing my novel
          3) think about writing and editing my novel only to be distracted by cats ("AWWW my whittle whittle furry babyyy.", the Pinterest board for my novel ("Oh yASs. This aesthetic is perfect for my story...", and a random book I haven't read in ages ("oh my God, I remember this was sooo good!")
          4) write if I actually have any time left over *smiles sheepishly*
          On a more serious note, I am actually diving into The Sea of Dreams and changing a lot of things--that's why it's on hold. I've got some more diversity to include (THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH DIVERSITY!!), culture to develop, and a plot to revise. Sequels are in the planning stage as I edit! I'm super excited. 
          Also, hello to all the new people who have followed me recently. *waves* Feel free to drop in here or in the comment sections of my stories to say hi. <3