
New story (somewhat)! I hope you guys like it! <3


@My_ShipWrecked_Heart  ohhhhh yeessssss !!!! I absolutely loved all your works. I am always looking forward to any new updates :)


I just need to say.... I'm currently reading your book 'Friendship's Overrated' and I just CANNOT get over your writing. It's like, perfect, I swear to God  You're a really talented writer. (Are you a professional?)
          I'm not even close to finishing and I can already say that it has got to be, by far, one of the best books and THE best LGBT book I've ever read on Wattpad and I've been on Wattpad for years (not this account though).
          Keep up the great work and please continue playing with my emotions, lmao. (Not gonna lie, you had me FEELING this book ❤)
          Looking forward to reading more of your work (you deserve to get published)!!! xoxo


@samawood oh my god, thank you so much!! I am not professional by any means but I appreciate that!
            I'll do my best to keep it up! Thank you so much for reading!!!❤❤❤❤


Hey ! Have you ever thought about writing a girl×girl? Just cute romance and fluff. No smut. Just a suggestion, no pressure (◕ᴗ◕✿)


this message may be offensive
@D_Lone_Traveller I do have a couple girlxgirl ideas! I will write something eventually, for sure! I haven't written in a girl's perspective in so long 
            Gotta finish "Someone Wonderful" first, though, or I won't ever get it done. I'm shit at multitasking.  
             Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate you ❤


Just read Friendship Overrated and loved it, I enjoyed reading it and your writing. Your new and old  book about Max,  is it the same or a lot different, which do you recommend I should read. Thank you.


@Bhangoo you stay safe too! You're fantastic! 


I hope you are ok, I wish you  all the best. I appreciate you replying, I am also a romantic and happy he stays home for college. Love your books thank you again, stay safe.❤️


@Bhangoo thank you!!❤
            I don't know if I ever specified where Max ended up in the old version. I kind of rushed the end a bit. In the new one I was planning to make him go to college at home so he's close to Kevin. Because I'm a romantic. Hope that helps! 
            Sorry for the super late replies. I'm a mess.


Just finished Friendship Overrated, and I loved reading it story was well written and enjoyable. Just a question is your book Someone Wonderful and Terrible Ideas a lot different, from one another or very much the same. Thanks.


New story (somewhat)! I hope you guys like it! <3


@My_ShipWrecked_Heart  ohhhhh yeessssss !!!! I absolutely loved all your works. I am always looking forward to any new updates :)


God you are awesome!!! I loved your works. It makes me grin like an idiot and feel like i am floating in the air. And that elephant in your profile totally conveys all i feel. Relaxed and mushy... I don't even know if it makes sense. 
          Thanks for the fab books... You are the best


@Choclate_Truffle you're actually so sweet. Thank you so much. You made my night❤❤


Your books make me smile non stop they are so CUTE & Adorable I have to keep my self from screaming especially Friendships Overrated 
          That book had me dead please keep on writing amazing stories!!! 


@opalaugust2006 thank you so much. Absolutely wonderful to hear and you're a dear. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
            I'm still writing. Gonna have something new hopefully soon