
Hello all! 
          	I know I said I'd be back in a week, but there has been one emergency after another - it's like my *life* is weekly updating my problems, one chapter-after-another and it's been a little too much. 
          	Thank you all for being so patient, I should be back by the end of this week if there isn't another frigging problem waiting for me. 
          	Thank you, and hope you're having better days than I am ❤️! 


PLEASE CONSIDER Writing my idea into a WHOLE FIC?


@WhimperingGirl244 Hi again!
            Yes, I've been thinking about this. And it will certainly be a challenge, but I believe I'm up to it. 
            I can't promise you when it will go up, but I will be working on this. At least make a one-shot out of it, and if there's more, I'll let you know. 
            Thank you so much for the compliment, lovely! And thank you for the request, stay tuned ❤️. 


@My_Stories_Vault PLEASE CONSIDER Writing my idea into a WHOLE FIC?
            Your writing EPIC


Hello all! 
          I know I said I'd be back in a week, but there has been one emergency after another - it's like my *life* is weekly updating my problems, one chapter-after-another and it's been a little too much. 
          Thank you all for being so patient, I should be back by the end of this week if there isn't another frigging problem waiting for me. 
          Thank you, and hope you're having better days than I am ❤️! 


Just wanted to say that your writing is phenomenal. I've been reading your supernatural imagines, the one with the Purgatory story and shoot. There are so many emotions rolling through me right now, and there's so much complexity to the characters you created that you sound like a professional writer!! 
          How you came up with the storyline is definitely magical and wonderful. You should definitely write a book as you obviously have the talent!!


@Thing127 Heya, lovely!
            First of all, thank you so much for reading and voting on my book - it means the world to me. I'm so happy that you liked it ❤️❤️!
            And then, thank you so much for the compliment - being a writer has always been my dream. I think Purgatory Series was an important step for me in that direction. This series led me to "The Supernatural Wars", which is my first sorta standalone, I guess - and all these characters are so precious to me. I'm so ecstatic that I was able to engage you through my stories like that! Seriously, thank you for dropping by and making my day ❤️❤️ * and all the rest of the emojis I cannot send, lol. *


Last announcement. 
          I'm afraid because of my exams in a week (which suck) I'm going to have to postpone my updates so I'm able to maintain a schedule. If I publish a few chapters now, and don't write ahead simultaneously, it will be a dangerous imablance for me. Since I had the challenge with my lovely author-in-crime, Heps, and my exams combined, I've been a little delayed here. So, I will resume the publishing in January, the exact date will be up soon in the book's personal schedule! 
          Wish me luck and stay tuned for so much more! ❤️❤️


@Hepza_Hart Thanks a ton, Heps. Need it dearly, lol ❤️


@My_Stories_Vault good luck ! Good luck ! Gooooood luck!


Second announcement - yeah, you guessed it, lol - the second book's reached the mark of double-digit thousand!!!! 10K, you guys - thank you, truly ❤️❤️
          This year was a record for me: I tested out my consistency, lmao. But this year I set a new standard for myself, and I've been working hard to achieve it. This year's last chapter will be in this book, I think this year's first chapter also began with this book. It has so many minature worlds set inside it, I absolutely adore it. Thank you for being here, couldn't have done it without you all!!!
          Advanced Merry Christmas, and a happy to new year to one and all!!!


@Hepza_Hart Thank you so much ❤️❤️. Makes me so happy to hear that! 


@My_Stories_Vault Can I just say this book and the stories in it is my favourite too. Especially Purgatory series


          A few announcements today! 
          First off, my very first book crossed 20K!!!! 
          I know I pop in at around every 5K, and say this - but I'm just too happy with it! Writing means the world to me, and this was my first try dipping into the adult pool - and seeing it grow, day-by-day, belonging to just more than me - the feeling is too special. 
          Thank you for being such amazing readers and supporters. It allows me to keep on going! ❤️


          Do check out Nightingale Tells A Tale, a collection of short stories written by me.
          I hope you'll like it and if you do then please vote and comment.


@VeiledNyx Heyyy. Will check it out!