
Another update! I’m doing great and I’m still here! I’ll have to admit that I did lose a lot of motivation because of work and college, but I do still plan on making book two. I do have some completed chapters of it, I just want to be able to update it constantly instead of updating every few months. Don’t worry Book two of Deku Who is coming! I’m just not sure when, but when I know for sure I’ll provide a release date ;) I hope everyone is well, have a great day! 


Hello Author @Myacademiahero, hope it reaches you. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response. Also just wanna inform you that my channel is monetize, so if you are not comfortable with that do let me know.


Another update! I’m doing great and I’m still here! I’ll have to admit that I did lose a lot of motivation because of work and college, but I do still plan on making book two. I do have some completed chapters of it, I just want to be able to update it constantly instead of updating every few months. Don’t worry Book two of Deku Who is coming! I’m just not sure when, but when I know for sure I’ll provide a release date ;) I hope everyone is well, have a great day! 


I will be revamping Deku Who? very soon, meaning there will be a possibility that I will unpublish it for the time being. I don’t know how long revamping it will take, but hopefully when I do start I can get it done in a week and start working on book 2 :)




I’ve lost a lot of motivation a long time ago writing the second book and i’ve been trying to get that motivation back. It needs a lot of planning and revamping before I publish it. I want to be able to publish a new chapter weekly so I’m working on it. It’s a work in progress and I hope it’ll be out soon :,)