
Here is the first installment of Sasha's story


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Just posted more for you. Enjoy!


@GlennHefley I'm enjoying your Aftermath story very much. And will certainly be making my way through your works when I get the urge to do some reading 


Hello! Just wanted to pop in and give my guess on something and IF it's to be I don't want to do a spoiler alert. The way you described Stevens kiss OH MY!!!! I'm So Jealous of a story character!!! And I'm thinking they're going to end up like Alan, Jakob and his wife whom they both were in love with. I also had a question but can't recall it. If I do I'll ask. Ohhhh is Steven going to tell her!?! Not what I was gonna ask. It just popped up.


Steven will tell Rosy. 


Hello hope you are doing well. You'd asked how you did with descriptions in CH 19 and I said great however I got to thinking and I went back and did a quick  double check to see if I was right and there's a tom missing and it's Steven. I was reading something he said and I was trying to recall if he was blonde or brown like the rest or dark hair and that's when it hit me I don't think she described him. So if you go and read it and it IS there Please let me know and if it's Not there what's he look like?


@MickeyKx3 Mikkarl is described in ch 19, Steven is very similar to his younger brother in looks but Stevens hair is more black where Mikkarl has the blue sheen in the sunlight


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WHAT is Kendal and his fathers Fascination with Rosy SPECIFICALLY because they, from my understanding with Jaspers help were able to catch her but then let her go to live amongst the humans but they've been Doggedly searching for her AGAIN! And again IF I'm remembering this right they had her in that cage where all those strays raped her and then were killed and she was rescued. And AGAIN from what Kendal said they've been looking for her hearing she'd be there where they just got her! I'm sorry I'm Frustrated!!! I've made it to the part where they've got her and Donovan and I'm being triggered because of Terry! I'm a survivor of abuse and rape than turns out I married a pedophile, it's a long story but I CAN'T STAND his interest in Donovan. But I've Tried to understand their fascination but I CAN'T figure it out! 


@MYGYPSY Ahhhhh ok and you explained it perfectly. And yes the descriptions were satisfactory indeed I enjoyed them Immensely and have them in my minds eye now so thank you! I Lol when reading we don't get to see in your brain! And WOW a story where she Knows!!! That sounds interesting and intriguing! I want to thank you again for being patient with me and answering my million in one questions and being ok with it, of course I'm not done yet so expect more lol. I'm where she's at Alans and in that apartment, I have such Love for characters I feel their pain and even times, like in this story I identify with the lead female having suffered my own kinds of hell! So Of Course I want the two lead characters to get their HEA plus, even though Rosy's Full of anti trust among Many other obstacles her and Micah are Phenomenal together!!! Oh and even though Wade and Edwin Are guilty and should be punished you went a way I didn't see coming, castration for both basically even though Edwin gets to keep his one. And Rays sentence I'm so HAPPY it's on the front of him! I CAN'T BELIEVE he said that to her! Well back to reading I go.   


@MYGYSY Oooooo wow! Glad she was never at 


            Kendal originally had intentions of courting Rosys mother Jeddah before she married Ray McIntosh. 
            Then when Jeddah left Ray , Vaygar had hoped to find her but she was already safe with Harry (the step father)
            When they became aware of Rosys existence and that she looked similar yet different to her mother so therefore Heir to Jeddahs territory.
            Rosy was the way they imagined they could get back to werecat society.
            Let me know if i didnt explain it well enough.
            Can i ask were the descriptions of the individual characters satisfactory? 
            I can see the characters in my mind. Their mannerisms, the way they move. I just forget readers dont get to see in my brain. 
            Currently i am working on an alternate story line where Jeddah didnt die and Tawny was raised knowing she is a werecat


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Hi. WHY do you continue letting Rosy get raped!?! She's suffered SO MUCH!!! I almost don't want to continue! It isn't triggering me But a lil background info on me I've been raped 3 times the first when I was 7 and twice in my marriage. I Never thought I'd be the type to say "It wasn't rape we were married." Only to then be asked "did you say No?" I Vehemently answered "Yes SEVERAL times and quite aggressively!" That's rape. Can you tell me it gets better. PLEASE!!! I'm actually Stalling because I'm in the middle of Edwin raping her. I'm Sorry I LOVE your work its just she's been raped SO MANY times and treated ABOMINABLY so far with little happy moments, this actually reminds me of MY life! Does it get better!?!


They were Very Brave!


            I don't remember which character it was that slapped Rosy when she had the collar on and lost control. I would put it down to one of 3. Steven, Sam or Malcolm. 


It does get better, much better 


Hello. OK I just read the part where Ray and Rosy meet and from their conversation it seems they BOTH want to get to know each other But the talk with her brothers at the end of the chapter makes it sound like he DOESN'T want to get to know her or let her know him. Is that right!!??!! Because being a daddy's girl myself and losing the Privilege of being raised by him, due to circumstance at the age of 2, yes I still remember him in fact One of my Fondest memories is when I pushed my mother away from him while they were in a physical altercation and yelling at her DON'T HIT MY DADDY! and the last time I saw him alive I was 5. When I was born at the top of my birth certificate he wrote Daddy loves you and I just Can't wrap my head around these two FINALLY getting to meet and know each other but for some reason can't or won't it Blows my mind!!  I HOPE it isn't true! And off that topic I WANT Rosy and Micah to Get Together Already!!!! I'm Hoping to read her inviting him into the cage from the get go and NOT another Tom!!! And then they make LOTS of babies!!!


Yes you are correct. For Ray he is more interested in learning how having a daughter will benefit him. He lost his real advantage when Rosys mother left him though @MarnieRoland 


@MYGYPSY Wow ok it may be weird but I see that as a good and bad thing because they Will get to know one another but he's also using her. Am I seeing this correctly?


Ray wants to get to know his daughter ... Or rather he wants to know how he will benefit from having a daughter, after all he had to give up everything after his wife "died"


Hello. I thought I'd do this here since it's going to be longer. And kinda off topic. I was wondering if you'd describe what they look like in to love a stray. I know the covers you have on to love a stray is Mila Kunis and on enter the cat it's I think Chris Hemsworth. And you've kinda explained their facial features and hair color of Micah is I believe light brown with honey blonde streaks and Rosy as being blonde. Are all the other cats blonde as well? Or any with darker hair? Is there Any family resemblance between Sam, Mitchell and Rosy? They do have the same parents so I was wondering if there's any similarities. With my brothers and sisters when we're all together there isn't a doubt were related but separately yeah we share some same traits. I like for the author to describe what they look like. These are Your creations. And I LOVE your stories! Which I'm sure you know but I had to say it again. 


@MYGYPSY Lol! I see that as a compliment Thank You. I think it's a good thing rr to refresh our memories. It Amazed me in the past having gone back to read a poem or story I wrote boy did it bring back memories! Ok looking forward to the descriptions. Thank you for your time in not just reading my comments but answering them! I ALWAYS enjoy interaction with the creator!


To Love a Stray, chapter 19 is told from the POV of Kurt Black and contains physical descriptions of a lot of the werecats. 


Hi your comments have me rereading those 2 stories, pretty corny an author reading their own work.