TW!!! mentions of self harm, relapsing, and my mental illness—
Alright so I’d like to apologize for not updating/writing anymore. School has been /extremely/ stressful, and I haven’t been able to keep up because of how much workload they assign.
I’ve been struggling with my mental health for quite some time now, especially since I stopped therapy two years ago, and I’ve had my ups and downs.
But just a few days ago— even though I was doing well, I relapsed. And I’m unfortunately not a year clean from SH anymore. I’m having a rough time, and to make things worse, we don’t have a summer vacation AND I have so much work due that I can’t seem to finish.
I’ve tried to write, but eventually it ends up with me coming up with nothing. Nada. I’m down with a cold right now, and I just feel so empty inside.
I hope things will work out, and I’ll feel better quickly, but for now, it seems like a difficult thing to accomplish.
I love you all so, so, so much, and I can’t wait to write for everyone again.
Much love,