
Hallo gaess virgin udah update lagi nih mohon segera mampir dan tinggalkan jejak ya .. terimakasih  


new month loading…
                                      w e l c o m e   a p r i l 
                                                        • • •
                             ❝ on days I hate being myself, 
                            days I want to disappear forever
                            let’s make a door in your heart
                     open the door and this place will await
                                         it’s okay to believe, 
                           the magic shop will comfort you. ❞
                                                        • • •
                            as we go into the new month, 
                      a lot of times we set new goals and 
                        our hope is refreshed, and it’s a 
                    beautiful thing but sometimes those 
                      hopes don’t come true and we find 
                     ourselves once again crushed by the 
                                     weight of the world. 
                                           set those goals. 
                                         believe in yourself. 
                  but also know that if it becomes too much, 
                                          you’re not alone. 
                           i’m always here and i’m sure you 
                  have many others backing you up as well 
                                  who will be there for you if 
                                      you ever need anything. 
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                                                              .    *     ✦     .      ⁺   .
                           .      ⁺        ⁺
          remember | 
                            `·. you are loved! ★°*゚