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Reading Lists
Watching Spider-Man Homecoming So... Some of you may have seen already that my story was taken down by Wattpad. The same thing happened to @Sapphire_of_shield's story, so... yeah. Unlike Sapphire, however, I will not be starting over with my story or starting where I left off. I'm so sorry, but my school ends in five weeks and I will most likely not be able to update for a while. I wanted to thank you all so much for reading my story while it was up. 10,000 reads (13.5k, last time I checked) was an achievement I never thought I would reach, and it has made me so happy to write for all of you to see. As of May 14th, I had reached 1162 unique readers. That means that I have had people who came to see my story and read it every time it updated. Again, I am so sorry that I won't be updating that story anymore. If anyone wants me to write something, either for 10k or as a sorry for ending the book, I would love to keep writing. I find I have the most motivation with a prompt. Last time, I am so sorry about this. If you are in need of any more fan-fiction for Watching Spider-Man Homecoming, I suggest Sapphire's story. (I hope you don't mind me using your name and story) Sapphire was a huge inspiration for my story, and I have to say hers is even better than mine. I love you so much, my Young Bucks! In fact, I love you 3000! (Oof if Wattpad gets their shit together, please let me know so I can re-publish my chapters. I mean, it was inevitable. -haha suffer if you've seen endgame-) ┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓
@Mypasswordiscat ;) Sorry again about your story; that really sucks. I'll still enjoy reading your one-shots, though!
o h m y g o s h
I can’t wait to see Clint in da vents tea
So Clint the wolfo are discussing tea... are any of the avengers there? Or no so he can talk about all of them
Hey there, thanks so much for the follow!! I really appreciate it.
Watching Spider-Man Homecoming So... Some of you may have seen already that my story was taken down by Wattpad. The same thing happened to @Sapphire_of_shield's story, so... yeah. Unlike Sapphire, however, I will not be starting over with my story or starting where I left off. I'm so sorry, but my school ends in five weeks and I will most likely not be able to update for a while. I wanted to thank you all so much for reading my story while it was up. 10,000 reads (13.5k, last time I checked) was an achievement I never thought I would reach, and it has made me so happy to write for all of you to see. As of May 14th, I had reached 1162 unique readers. That means that I have had people who came to see my story and read it every time it updated. Again, I am so sorry that I won't be updating that story anymore. If anyone wants me to write something, either for 10k or as a sorry for ending the book, I would love to keep writing. I find I have the most motivation with a prompt. Last time, I am so sorry about this. If you are in need of any more fan-fiction for Watching Spider-Man Homecoming, I suggest Sapphire's story. (I hope you don't mind me using your name and story) Sapphire was a huge inspiration for my story, and I have to say hers is even better than mine. I love you so much, my Young Bucks! In fact, I love you 3000! (Oof if Wattpad gets their shit together, please let me know so I can re-publish my chapters. I mean, it was inevitable. -haha suffer if you've seen endgame-) ┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓
@Mypasswordiscat ;) Sorry again about your story; that really sucks. I'll still enjoy reading your one-shots, though!
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( •⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! ♡
So I didn’t really think that I would reach over 10 reads... I was honestly hoping for 20, and didn’t even expect that much. It’s been only a few weeks (I have terrible sense of time, idk if that’s true) and I’ve had over 300(?) readers, and I wanted to thatnk you all for reading this story so far! I plan on continuing this story, and possibly reacting to Spider-Man: Far from home when I see it after camp this summer, I won’t be doing infinity war, cause I don’t want to give all the MCU characters PTSD after watching it. I’d also have to do endgame and *voice crack* that ones too emotional for me. I’ll make sure to thank you all properly in an A/N too. Love you all, see you next time, Young Bucks!
@Mypasswordiscat Congrats!! I reaaaally hope you aren't affected by c o p y r i g h t-
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