
The Prologue has been updated, so give it a sure to catch the updates in the author's notes!


So, things have happened recently and I have a little more time on my hands now, and find myself itching to write I've decided to return to Hurricane, starting by rewriting it in a primarily third person point of view! I'm going to leave a couple of chapters the way that they are, but most of what's already been posted is gonna be re-written, so keep an eye-out for edited chapter notifications! 
          On a side note, I'm thinking about posting an old Harry Potter fic of mine, and continuing the story when the mood strikes -- usually when I find myself sucked into the HP corner of youtube, LOL ^_^ It was kinda popular when I originally posted it years ago, I'd like to fix it up a little and put it back out there. We shall see!


          Thanks for following me and adding my story to your reading list! :)


            Hey! No problem :) I'm glad you like it so far! I hope you will like the rest as well.


@AliciaMirza Thank you for the follow, as well! I'm only a few chapters into It's Not Over, but it has me sucked in already -- very well written, and loving the concept so far!


Well, I was hoping to have the next chapter of 'Hurricane' done and published today, but my schedule at work got a bit out of hand with covering shifts for a co-worker for the next couple of days >_< At this rate, it's not looking like I'll have a day off until next Monday -- and I've been working every day since this past Sunday, so far. And here, silly me actually thought I'd get a little bit of a break with my boss on vacation...wishful thinking! LOL
          Anywho, the GOOD news it, it's not far from being finished. I might just be able to squeeze it out Friday night. I'm only scheduled for half the hours I would normally work that day, and in the evening instead of overnight -- yay! No promises, but fingers crossed!!
          Thanks for being patient!
          x ~ Myst


your covers are amazing! (:


@cloudyluna Actually, I make them in Photoshop =) Oldschool Photoshop CS2, LOL!


you're welcome what app do you use? 


@cloudyluna Thank you so much! <3


Alrighty, went back and edited previous chapters to add soundtrack listings for each one, as well as updating the image links. 
          **HEADS UP FOR PHOTOBUCKET USERS** Photobucket has changed their terms, and will now charge $40/month (or $400/year) to allow third party hosting and hotlinking. This means that if you have a free account and use them to post images on Wattpad or anywhere else, those images will no longer show up unless you upgrade. 
          Yikes! :/