
Not gonna make it to my word goal. Oh well, but i'll start editing. That way i'll at least have one chapter ready to go up!


I really don't know when I'll be updating. Been so busy writing and planning I haven't got a schedule to keep. Besides, I've been doing Camp NanoWrimo. If you don't know what that is, it's a community of writers who will support you and help you out when you're stuck. I find it fun and better than doing alone.
          Right now, for the month, they're doing a little camp thing. I've been doing that this whole time. Perhaps at the end of the month  I'll get to editing and making everything better.
          Keep a look out. I've been really busy writing, but it's been fun doing! Hope to see you all in a month!


Alright, so I think i should include two announcements in this. First one being I can't write SiaoF anymore. I've lost interest when I've tried not to. I've lost interest in writing fanfiction. I've lost interest in Stampy all together. Sorry. But I am willing to let someone else take it over, change it if they want it. Just send me a message if you want it. If no one does, I'll remove it and keep it for, possibly, another day.
          Second, I haven't stopped writing. In fact, I've been working on something new for those of you willing to read what i have to write! And I'm pretty excited about it too. I still have a bit of planning to do, but it shouldn't bee too long before it's started, so keep an eye out for it!


Soooo sorry for my long absence! It's just been hard to get back to finish SiAOF! :( I've been trying to write an original story, and that went down the drain for a while. And I know i won't be getting to writing anytime this month. I have a bunch of birthdays to celebrate, book club, i've got a contest i wanna try and enter...yeah, i got myself in a mess. I'll try to find time, but i won't make promises.
          Oh, and one other thing. I'm planning on doing a book collab with a friend of mine. I'm hoping to, at least. It'll be a while before i get around to much of anything. You can see a a little bit of it on my twitter.
          Anyway, I hope you can still be patient for a little while longer. I'm sure the wait will be worth it.


Working on something new for you guys. I just thought you would like to know that with my long absence. It's something I had been planning for a while now and only just gotten started. So now you know!
          I also have to say that SiAOF might be coming to an ending soon. I've started to lose some interest in Stampy, but that doesn't mean that i won't keep up the story. It had been fun, so i'll keep it coming. Then i can start posting my new story! :D