So. I've been seeing over the last month or two that more and more people that used to write stories and to be honest I think at this point the fortnite community on here is officially dead. There are few people left and I hope they succeed but it's not what it used to be. There was once a large community that seemed like everyone knew each other in someway and it provided so many great memories for so many of us. It's a shame to see it go.
Before you ask, I am not entirely leaving. I will still be around to read the occasional thing or check up on what people are doing but I definitely will not be as active as I once was and my writing days on here are officially over.
One thing I would like to say though is, if by any miracle sparklestrider (or bree, idk what you prefer) sees this. 1. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to come on here and start writing and getting involved with so many people on here. It really was a blast. 2. Goodly on writing your story as an official book one day if you still plan to do that and i hope it goes well.
Thank you to everyone who read my stuff or supported me through my time on here.
Like I said, I'm not fully gone yet. Don't worry about that.
Adios for now, amigos.