
So. I've been seeing over the last month or two that more and more people that used to write stories and to be honest I think at this point the fortnite community on here is officially dead. There are few people left and I hope they succeed but it's not what it used to be. There was once a large community that seemed like everyone knew each other in someway and it provided so many great memories for so many of us. It's a shame to see it go.
          	Before you ask, I am not entirely leaving. I will still be around to read the occasional thing or check up on what people are doing but I definitely will not be as active as I once was and my writing days on here are officially over.
          	One thing I would like to say though is, if by any miracle sparklestrider (or bree, idk what you prefer) sees this. 1. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to come on here and start writing and getting involved with so many people on here. It really was a blast. 2. Goodly on writing your story as an official book one day if you still plan to do that and i hope it goes well.
          	Thank you to everyone who read my stuff or supported me through my time on here.
          	Like I said, I'm not fully gone yet. Don't worry about that.
          	Adios for now, amigos.


@Mysterious-Taco and like that,another one is gone


So. I've been seeing over the last month or two that more and more people that used to write stories and to be honest I think at this point the fortnite community on here is officially dead. There are few people left and I hope they succeed but it's not what it used to be. There was once a large community that seemed like everyone knew each other in someway and it provided so many great memories for so many of us. It's a shame to see it go.
          Before you ask, I am not entirely leaving. I will still be around to read the occasional thing or check up on what people are doing but I definitely will not be as active as I once was and my writing days on here are officially over.
          One thing I would like to say though is, if by any miracle sparklestrider (or bree, idk what you prefer) sees this. 1. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to come on here and start writing and getting involved with so many people on here. It really was a blast. 2. Goodly on writing your story as an official book one day if you still plan to do that and i hope it goes well.
          Thank you to everyone who read my stuff or supported me through my time on here.
          Like I said, I'm not fully gone yet. Don't worry about that.
          Adios for now, amigos.


@Mysterious-Taco and like that,another one is gone


Haha. I'm here. What did I miss in the time I've been gone?


@Idontwanadothis yep. Idk if I'm gonna continue writing right now but I've finally come back to this website


this message may be offensive


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Oh damn. So that thing about my eyes going from grey back to blue.
          Turns out that stuff is common for people with grey eyes. The eye colour will change from either grey to slightly blue or slightly green depending on emotion and the stuff produced in your body and shit.
          Needless to say. I have found out that I have one of the rarest eye colours and around less than 1% of the world’s population has that colour so that's pretty cool


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
I was gonna give writing another go tonight to try and get a new part done but England has just turned into a fucking sauna.
          It's 3:19am and it's still 22°C in England. That's not natural over here. That's a nice summers day in England and it's fucking nighttime rn.
          British people ain't made for this shit y'know. Every British person is a puddle right now.


Anyone know anything about how eye colour works because I am really confused.
          Basically I used to have blue eyes but over the last few years they have been grey. Then today, I look in the mirror and they are more blue than they have ever been in my entire damn life. What the hell is this sorcery?


            *Visible confusion*


Y'know. I'm bored so I will once again make you have an existential crisis with my fascination of space. I'm gonna start off with an interesting one.
          So. Using a formula specifically designed to  calculate the number of other civilisations that could/should be on our galaxy. Using this we have found that there is a potential for 36 alien civilisations in the milky way. Now. Some people will question how we haven't seen this yet. Now this could be down to the affect of the further away you look from Earth, the further back in time you see. This could mean that we simply haven't seen the development of these civilisations yet. But. I have a better question. What if we are just the beginning? What if we are the first ever forms of life to exist in the  universe and we are just the precursors to more advanced civilisations millions of years down the line? We are simply billions of years into the formation of the universe after the big bang while the universe will continue for trillions and trillions of years to come. What is to say we are not just the beginning?
          Have fun with your crisis and have a nice day!


@Mysterious-Taco my brain hurts like hell now


I've started watching lucifer recently and I think if I start writing again I might take some inspiration from that for drift. I mean it already fits with drift having a mostly British accent in my story and I could use the whole tricking people into saying their deepest desire thing to.makenan interesting character. It would also separate him from the way everyone else has done it. (I mean that every other way he could be done has been done by someone else). I wouldn't go down the whole he is the devil route either cus that's already been done. I'd just make him do some of the more unexplainable things to hint that something ain't right about him


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Holy shit. My shit story has almost 4k reads and I haven't even updated it since last year. Why are people still reading that piece of trash?


@SparkleStriderx I did recently recover half of the next chapter that I lost a while ago. Might be worth taking a shot at writing and see if i can still make a story peoppe will read