I haven't a clue as to why I'm still up at this hour, but I just found an amazing quote, and I would like to share it with you guys:
"So please ask yourself:
What would I do if I weren't afraid?
And then go do it."
~Sheryl Sandberg
I don't know about you guys, but there are a lot of things I would be doing now if it wasn't for my fear. Now, imagine for a second that you didn't have any fear. That you weren't afraid to do something. What would you be doing?
I know what I would do.
I would go to a country where I didn't speak hardly any of the language, and try to learn it. Completely immerse myself in the culture. Live there for a while, and just learn.
I would write a book. Not just a quick blurb about a fandom I'm crazy about (which - don't get me wrong - it awesome to do), but a serious story, one I'd like to publish one day.
Those are just two things, and I'm sure there's plenty more that I just haven't realized yet.
Fear is a very powerful emotion. It can keep us safe. But it can also hold us back.
I'm terrified of going to a place where I don't understand anything and have a hard time communicating. I don't like being helpless. It makes me afraid. I'm also terrified of writing something, pouring my heart out into a work, just to have it rejected. Rejection hurts, and it makes me afraid.
But what if I wasn't afraid? How much would I have already done if I wasn't, and how can I get past this?
So again, I'll ask. And I want you to think about it.
What would you do if you weren't afraid?