
High I saw u’re comments and I think I understand where u’re coming from. The summary isn’t really much of a summary at all. I was going for more of a blurb stile and I’m not sure if it worked out and on top of that the story has just begun I want’ed to take it slow and build it up. I still have a general idea fo what I want to happen, unfortunately though a sort of lost the spark for righting books at the moment so this book, along with others might not be finished for a while. I wish I could explain the plot but given that I might revisit the story. So yeh got any more questions drop me a text and if ud rather have me reply in the comments just say.


@DemonicDragonGirl I understand im a first time writer too and I don't know what to write on the book im workin on... don't worry it's ok I understand [ps ill follow u cuz... just cuz...]