Hiii this is your old silent reader. How are you? Hope everything is nice!! . . . . . . . It’s been so long since i don’t know how to say this not so long maybe three years ago i discovered your YouTube channel I was fond of it I really enjoyed your written work.I daily used to check your YouTube channel to see what you have uploaded.I was a huge fan of “enigma” taehyung ff.i have always loved your works I don’t know how to come up with a word to describe that piece of art.But,i guess it’s not completed yet…in this three year,every day I was finding your wattpad ac but I couldn’t as you said in your channel community that you will be uploading your story “enigma” on wattpad there was no link or something from where I could find you if there was I’m sorry maybe I didn’t checked properly.but today I finally found your wattpad account but it seems like enigma is not updated here either I hope you have not quit being an author. I don’t know weather you will read this or not but I hope you healthy life and I would like see more of your works if you have not quit writing.please excuse my English it’s not my first language and if I appear to be rude or offensive,my apologies I didn’t mean to sound offensive

Hello there! First of all, i’m really sorry for the late reply and for not updating anymore…:( my time is very occupied with my studies and personal life that’s why i couldn’t write any more fictions. I regret to say this but i think i won’t be able to finish enigma, i’m sincerely sorry for the bad news :(( anyways, I’m currently doing great! thank you for your concern and for your initiative & effort to look for me and tell me these encouraging words. To be in fact, i actually lost motivation to write stories…. thank you for your love and support, your message almost made me cry! T-T I hope you’re doing fine too, take care always! <33