Headed to a game tonight to see my cousin perform with the danceline during the halftime show! (she's from the other school) Gonna paint my nails black since my school colors are black and gold! Go Tigers!

I'm torn that I have nothing to remember her by, but I know that if I did, it would only serve as emotional torture. Had I not left the game early, I would've cried. I actually did when I got home. Not much, but enough to make me feel pathetic and exhausted. I talked about it with a couple of my friends, and now I've told the story here. It certainly does make me feel much better. I can only hope that I'll be able to get over my ridiculous emotions and inability to look her in the eye (or at all) before I leave this town in my rearview mirror 3 and a half years from now. Wish me luck. If you've anything to say, don't be shy. I'll try to reply as soon as I can. ~Ciao!

Tori and her exchanged a few quick words, and even though Madeline didn't make eye contact with me, I know she saw me. I hurried off as quickly as I could to the closest people I knew and tried to strike up a conversation with them to distract myself, but I was still right next to the concession stands and I caught a glimpse of Madeline out of the corner of my eye. I don't know if she looked over at me, or if I crossed her mind, or if she simply didn't care and hoped I would leave soon. I may never know. Or I may have to wait another year or even two to find out. Even so, I don't care all that much. I'm just so upset that I can't stand to even look at her without feeling so much emotion. Enough so that seeing her even from the far side of the field nearly makes me cry.

While I am not at liberty to give out her actual name, I'll give her a pseudonym so as to avoid confusion. Lets call her Madeline. Madeline is an ex girlfriend of mine, the second girl I ever dated as well as the second person ive ever kissed. We started dating around mid/late October, and only saw each other three times (including when we got together and when we broke up) before she broke up with me late December at a Christmas party. Well, more like she broke things off without me and then let me know we were over. I mean, she gave me some chocolate so I guess that lessened the emotional blow, but not enough to keep from crying over the phone as I recounted the story to my best friend. That night was the last time I saw or spoke to her or even heard more than a few words about her up until last night at the game. My friend called out to her while we were chilling next to the concession stands, and I didn't know that the Madeline she had been calling for was her. Well, I suppose deep down I really did know, but I hoped it wasn't. When I turned my head and saw her I just froze up. The only emotions I felt were fear and anxiety and sadness.