Advika Mahabharat is back!!! The final book is now available. I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long and I am grateful that you all have been here all this time. Enjoy your reading!!!
Advika Mahabharat is back!!! The final book is now available. I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long and I am grateful that you all have been here all this time. Enjoy your reading!!!
Hey guys! I'm so sorry for making you all wait so long! And unfortunately I have to ask you to wait a bit longer. I will start the final Advika MB book but it is going to take some time. My life is very hectic now and I hope you guys understand! I'm sorry again and I am grateful to you guys!!!
I am back! And I am so sorry guys! There was a problem with this account but now it's all set. It's been more than a year I think and once again I apologise. Now I'm back and soon I will work on Advika Mahabharat , don't worry guys !
As compensation I will post two chapters today but the rest will have to wait ! Im sorry again guys and enjoy the story
Alright guys! I know I'm doing this a lot but sorry , I'm putting Advika Mahabharat on Hiatus. It's really hard coming up with a good plot and I'm out of ideas. Sorry guys!
Hey guys! I'm sorry but i decided to put Advika Mahabharat 2nd book on hiatus for a few days. Im facing writer's block and as soon as I come out of it you guys will get to read the book again. Also busy days for me with exams and stuff.