
For those who actually look forward to my Jikook fic, and are waiting on new chapters to come out, I promise I’m actually trying to get a chapter out  but I’m so busy with work that I’m barely home at this point and get one day off out of a week, so it’s taking way longer to get something out. Today is my only day off so I’ll try to get as much as I can of a chapter written. I’d really appreciate your patience and understanding.


For those who actually look forward to my Jikook fic, and are waiting on new chapters to come out, I promise I’m actually trying to get a chapter out  but I’m so busy with work that I’m barely home at this point and get one day off out of a week, so it’s taking way longer to get something out. Today is my only day off so I’ll try to get as much as I can of a chapter written. I’d really appreciate your patience and understanding.


Hello to my followers, I’m aware I’ve been pretty much nonexistent.. I’ve been focusing on life and my job and taking on more hours. Honestly I’m thinking about starting back up, since I have some free time one my days off, so updates will be kinda slow when I start back up. Now that I’m way older and changed, I think I’ll be giving this account a makeover with a new username and profile, I think it’ll get back into my writings. You can interact with this post, leave a comment with any questions or concerns, maybe even some ideas for a new username. I might do a Q&A with questions from you guys if I get the time.


I most likely won’t be uploading for a few days or a week, since I’ll be doing room renovations. I’ve been putting it off because I never had time, but due to us being in quarantine I have a lot of time now. 
          Hopefully you guys don’t mind too much of me going on hiatus for a bit 


So I’m working on Ch12 right now, but it’s taking longer than I intended, mainly because I keep getting distracted, but I should have it out later or later tonight or in the morning , it varies wherever you may be in the world. It’ll be later tonight for me