
Hey guys, i know it's been ages since I've even published a new chapter or even be online anymore and i am very sorry. High school has taken it's toll on my life so far and everything going on in my life such as relationships with friends and family, school work, homework, social life etc etc have all been attacking me left and right and at the moment i really can't handle it but I'm trying to adjust a bit slowly each day passing by. I've been thinking about being more active on my days available so that i can use that time to write my stories and hopefully publish something within a month or less. I promise I'll try what i can to do better than i have been with releasing some content once in awhile but for now I'm on a bit of a hold so in the mean time I'll probably do some random writings in my Random book so you guys aren't left in the dark completely and are updated about my current state with writing and so on. Thank you for taking the time to read this and aa always Stay Awesome and I'll catch y'all on the flipside! ✌ :) c(x


Hey guys, i know it's been ages since I've even published a new chapter or even be online anymore and i am very sorry. High school has taken it's toll on my life so far and everything going on in my life such as relationships with friends and family, school work, homework, social life etc etc have all been attacking me left and right and at the moment i really can't handle it but I'm trying to adjust a bit slowly each day passing by. I've been thinking about being more active on my days available so that i can use that time to write my stories and hopefully publish something within a month or less. I promise I'll try what i can to do better than i have been with releasing some content once in awhile but for now I'm on a bit of a hold so in the mean time I'll probably do some random writings in my Random book so you guys aren't left in the dark completely and are updated about my current state with writing and so on. Thank you for taking the time to read this and aa always Stay Awesome and I'll catch y'all on the flipside! ✌ :) c(x


Hello everyone! Just wanted to know if i should perhaps translate my stories or some things i say once in awhile for the foreign followers i have here. Just so everyone can understand What language do you all speak? What is your ethnicity? I'm fluent in english if you cannot tell already  but I understand spanish and speak it as well. I mess up sometimes because I don't necessarily speak it often but i know exactly what you're saying if you talk to meAlso I'm full Honduran. Just a lil bit about me


Hello my wonderful mysteries! c: I wanted to know which story do you want a new chapter from? And i mean as in ASAP xD I have been really busy but if you all vote on the one you desire the most i might be able to spare some time to write more for that particular one. I'll be checking on the comments soooo....
          Comment down below⬇⬇⬇
          And don't forget, Stay Awesome My Mysteries!!! *^_^* =)


Hey guys!?! cx So I've been having questions in my head that i just can't get out?! Like "Be quiet dumb head!?!" xD Haha well what has been in my mind is WHAT DO YOU AMAZING PEOPLE THINK ABOUT MY STORIES!?!! Sorry didn't mean to shout that. I just really, really, really wanna know what you guys honestly think about my stories and what my work means to you *^_^* Please i wanna know XD :D =)
          Comment down below so i could know pwease?☺ ⬇⬇⬇
          Don't forget, Stay Awesome my Mysteries!❤


@HarleyIsComingBack Thank you soo much!❤ I'm glad to hear that


They're heartfelt and well written. Definitely enjoy your stories. :3


Hey there my amazing mysteries! cx I finally fixed my "follower space" problem. YAY!?!  Lol i know "Big deal" well to me it is because now i can follow all my followers ☺ =) I hope all of you are having a good day/evening/night! >^-^< Stay Awesome my Mysteries!?!❤ *^_^*


Whenever you say "stay awesome my mysteries" I always think of HeyThereImShannon (YouTuber) "stay pretty kitties" ll


Hey there my amazing followers! =) For those of you who care i wanted to let you know I'm going to unfollow many people. If you are following me and I'm following you in return be sure to tell me before i accidentally unfollow you. Those who i follow and you follow me back comment "Mystery" If I'm following you and you're not following me but still don't want to lose a follower (because I'm AWESOME xD) comment "Dude" And last but not least if you have any questions or concerns about this situation you can pm me (private message me) or comment "Mhmm" and I'll be glad to answer:)
          STAY AWESOME MY MYSTERIES!?! *^_^* >^-^<


Hey guys! :) So let's just say i have reached the limit of following 1k people and i need your help for this. I need the people who are following me back and actually care, to comment "Mystery" that way i can unfollow users that arent very significant. I'm not saying they're unimportant, I'm just saying that there are people following me and I'm unable to follow back due to the limit. So yeah... Anyways if you actually care about this situation and don't want to be unfollowed then comment "Mystery" that way I'm aware. 
          Don't forget to STAY AWESOME and I'll catch you on the flipside my mysteries =D ^_^ >^-^<


200 FOLLOWERS?!?! YAY! xD lol well that was pretty quick. Anyways thank you all for following me and if i haven't followed back just let me know and i will be gladly to do so. ☺ I will be updating one of my stories soon so be on the look out for that. And as always STAY AWESOME MY MYSTERIES!❤ cx >^-^<


Ok. Is it me or am i just hallucinating? I last saw that i had 191 followers now i have 187.  '-' Am i doing something wrong or is it just all in my head? Whatever the reason i just hope you guys are doing AWESOME and i know what you must be thinking "You're making a big deal out of that?" Your answer is no because i don't mind losing followers. I write stories for my enjoyment and for you all's judgement. It depends on the audience if they like my work or not.