Hey guys, i know it's been ages since I've even published a new chapter or even be online anymore and i am very sorry. High school has taken it's toll on my life so far and everything going on in my life such as relationships with friends and family, school work, homework, social life etc etc have all been attacking me left and right and at the moment i really can't handle it but I'm trying to adjust a bit slowly each day passing by. I've been thinking about being more active on my days available so that i can use that time to write my stories and hopefully publish something within a month or less. I promise I'll try what i can to do better than i have been with releasing some content once in awhile but for now I'm on a bit of a hold so in the mean time I'll probably do some random writings in my Random book so you guys aren't left in the dark completely and are updated about my current state with writing and so on. Thank you for taking the time to read this and aa always Stay Awesome and I'll catch y'all on the flipside! ✌ :) c(x