
I would like some input from you guys, so which of my books would you like me to update first??
          	*They'll all be updated eventually, I'm just starting to get back into writing and on track with my books. So let me know which book you would like to see updated. Thank you everyone for your patience.*


@Typical_Chaos  please finish the sequal for the prinxiety book


@ Septic_Artsy  unpredicted love 


I would like some input from you guys, so which of my books would you like me to update first??
          *They'll all be updated eventually, I'm just starting to get back into writing and on track with my books. So let me know which book you would like to see updated. Thank you everyone for your patience.*


@Typical_Chaos  please finish the sequal for the prinxiety book


@ Septic_Artsy  unpredicted love 


Hello my fellow followers and readers of my stories. I would like to explain why I've been gone for so long. If I'm being honest with you all, I lost that inspiration to write my stories. I always thought that my stories weren't that good, I thought they were cliche, not well written, and just not a good story line. Don't get me wrong, I still like all the fandoms my stories are written after. But with it being about a year and a half since I've written, I've gotten into more fandoms and want to write stories about those. But I do care about you all and want to know what you all would like. So please tell me, what would you guys like my first update on one of my books to be. I've noticed that a lot of you want me to update my books, and I will I promise. But let me know what you would like to see first. Either message me or respond on this post. I apologize for being gone for so long, I'll try and get things back on track for you guys. And maybe even edit my books for mistakes and try and make them better written. Let me know. I appreciate you guys for your patience. New story post hopefully really soon. Thank you all. 


Hey there everyone. Sorry about the late postings again. I started school and I need to focus on that a bit more on that. Except an update later on today on at least two of my books though. I'll doing as much posting as I can when I have time. Hope you understand. Thank you. 


Hey everyone. I really apologize for me not posting or updating any of my books in like a month. I know I said I'll be updating my books constantly, but some things got in way and I was busy for awhile. But now I should be back to normal schedule. Hopefully, everything should be ok for me and I should update more chapters on my books. Hope you all understand and I'm sorry. 
          ~Peace out