¶ Chocolate=Drug ¶ Music=Obsession ¶ Dance=Oxygen ¶ Colors=Life ¶

Hi and welcome to my page! You can call me Leylah though it's just a wattpad name. It means dark beauty/ nightfall in 15 languages across the globe ;)

Secretly hiding on wattpad; Sarcastic; Moody; Not sickening-girlish; Always confused, Hyper, Chatterbox; Drama queen; Feminist; Wattpad addict.

Seventeen year old girl but five at heart o.O #WorldTour+Atlantis.
Awkward with hugs *.*
I laugh a lot.
If you think you can mess with me and get away.. then... well, I'd heard incomplete threats are the best ;)
Mom says I look like Rachel Weisz :P
It's amusing when milkshakes make moustaches on the face.
Severe obsession with fictional characters (especially those which are self-created)
I was never a writer, no idea how I ended up writing but you can see the results below.

The Mystery_Enchanted Collection


Once Upon A Dream, Once Upon A Nightmare:

Around the globe where the rivers flow blood and the air adsorbs poison, I wish there was a way to wash off agony and the desire for power.

Enchanted Within A Heartbeat:

Enchanted within a heartbeat, he ruled my heart, I would drown or transcend was for me to find out.


His Badass Juliet: Trailer http://youtu.be/oNPP3NJrNJI

I only need four things to be alive; chocolate, oxygen, water and you. No, the vodka, bikes and cigarettes don't count."
~Ashley Howards.

Mission Secret Admirer

"If you think being a nerdy geek makes your life boring, wait till you get yourself a secret admirer."
~Nevaeh Davis.

Heartbeats (Short Story)

"Before I met him, I thought it was crazy to look at someone and smile for no reason."
~Ella Jameson.

Irrational (Coming Soon)

"Love only co-relates to pain. The world just wants to see how far I bend before I break."
~Rose Martin.

Since reading a person rambling about themselves isn't the least bit interesting, you can drop me a message and entertain yourselves free of cost >.< No, really, I like making friends.
  • Whereyoucan'tfindme
  • RegistriertJanuary 22, 2013

Letzte Nachricht
Mystery_Enchanted Mystery_Enchanted Mar 16, 2015 11:44AM
Hi guys! I'm soooo sorry for the wait :( I've just had lots of issues these past few months. Hope you haven't forgotten me and my books. Anyway, His Badass Juliet has been updated. Yay yay yay!! Che...
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Geschichten von Leylah
His Badass Juliet von Mystery_Enchanted
His Badass Juliet
They say opposites attract. Maybe they do. But are they able to sustain that attraction? Ashley and Jacob...
Guilty Conscience (OLT One-Shot) von Mystery_Enchanted
Guilty Conscience (OLT One-Shot)
A re-written version (one-shot) of Chapter Eighteen from One Last Text by dairyqueens.
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