We gave you shelter when Europe disowned you
But instead of appreciation you were greedy
You began slyly occupying our land
Then you shelled my home to the grounds
You destroyed my olive groves
You burned down my orchards
You killed my mother and father
You imprisoned my brother
You shot down my spouse, and young children
You left me with nothing
I retaliated with only with shoes
And the resistance with rockets
So you and your accomplice called 'us' terrorists
Yet you can see, that I still smile
Yes! I am strong
You can break my bone and cut my flesh
But you cannot destroy my faith
Yes! I am Muslim
And I will carry on protecting Al Aqsa
Our beautiful holy land
And I am not alone
For I have Allah
And I believe in after death
You actually did me a 'favour'
My kindred now rank as martyrs
You elevated my status
Through your oppression
But I will find you
On the day of judgment
I will find you..