
Kinda I don't write anymore
          	This is probably the last time anyone will see me active too (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
          	Thank you for all the memories
          	To my old Unnies and that one Oppa
          	(I don't remember much) who are also my online friends
          	Thank you. ♡
          	I'll cherish the memories I got
          	You guys are probably the reason why I have more confidence to talk to people
          	It was fun when it lasted
          	I'm a year older now as well
          	Thank you very much
          	I love you all, I missed before but I guess I've grown? I don't really know
          	But yeah
          	See you guys again if we ever do
          	Love lots, Mysti or my real name Rian ♡ᰔᩚ


Kinda I don't write anymore
          This is probably the last time anyone will see me active too (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
          Thank you for all the memories
          To my old Unnies and that one Oppa
          (I don't remember much) who are also my online friends
          Thank you. ♡
          I'll cherish the memories I got
          You guys are probably the reason why I have more confidence to talk to people
          It was fun when it lasted
          I'm a year older now as well
          Thank you very much
          I love you all, I missed before but I guess I've grown? I don't really know
          But yeah
          See you guys again if we ever do
          Love lots, Mysti or my real name Rian ♡ᰔᩚ


The one they all forgot.
          Alternate Title: 
          Macabre – having death as a subject: comprising or including a personalized representation of death.
          Battle. War. Despair
          Three words that are evident in their eyes
          Years and years still aiming for their freedom
          A decade of fighting.
          A vicennial of destruction.
          It just keeps going on
          In the end they finally succeeded
          He finally defeated the enemy.
          All alone.
          Sacrifice is a word he fears.
          Red is a color he despise.
          Life alone is something he wishes that never existed.
          Is it bad to hope for a joyful life?
          Is it bad to yearn for a clear future?
          Why does he need to be so miserable?
          Are these the dire consequences of desire?
          For the craving of affection he long starved for?
          Why is this in the equation?
          How can he have them back?
          Can anyone turn time for him to mend his mistakes?
          He's the only one left.
          Everyone else is gone.
          The darkness taking over them.
          He thinks of everything thoroughly.
          The village massacre.
          The explosions.
          The wars.
          It is all because of one human with the color he loaths.
          "Don't you understand?"
          "You may have avoided this by that one person."
          "I offered him to join me but he was too soft hearted to leave his poor dead family behind."
          "That red-head was able to give me warmth."
          "He was a salvation that could of helped you."
          "Puny little human. You still don't see where you went wrong"
          "You will not reach the end. Even in this life or another"
          "Cale Henituse was his name"
          "Thames is a forbidden name"
          He thought everything through.
          Every mumble, every word, every information that slipped out of the enemies mouth
          He recorded it all to his heart 
          And engraved it to his brain.


He now knows where he made a mistake.
            It was all incorrect from the start.
            That person wasn't insulting his family.
            He was just another soul hoping for affection.
            A family.
            And yet he assumed.
            His despair is not an excuse to take someone down with him.
            Someone who is also in anguish.
            How foolish.
            All this time, he was in the wrong.
            He was too distracted by himself that he did not bother other matters.
            He did not thought of his family.
            He did not even saved anyone.
            In the end all he gave was pain.
            He is a Noxious.
            A Harm to everyone.
            All he feels is pain.
            Everything is too difficult to take in.
            Its overwhelming.
            An Ineffable feeling.
            From the start he did not belong here.
            Not the village.
            Not the commoners.
            And certainly not the heroes.
            He was only a poor young teenager when the gods decided to bring him here
            The Birth of a Hero.
            Its exactly his role.
            Hiraeth is the thing he is feeling all along.
            All of his ambivalence is superfluous.
            This is an imbroglio.
            He is too inured in these circumstances that he only realizes now.
            Everything was all for naught.
            Is he the malefactor?
            Did he subterfuged everyone?
            Is he even that surreptitious to do so?
            He can't even lead his group correctly let alone be sly.
            Everything was ephemeral.
            Is this his denouement?
            Choi Han collapsed and was then vanishing.
            No one in this universe is alive.
            The celestial beings discarded it.
            A God took pity.
            This is where we are now.
            Trash of the Count's Family.
            Angst w/ deep words= pain for me :)
            Hope you enjoyed reading this ♡


This is from a book that I'll most likely not publish at all. I was about to delete this chapter so I decided to post it for memories y'know.
          Also Good morning/night!! ♡
          Chapter UNFINISHED: When Doctor Cale is sick
          Doctor Cale Thames-Henituse.
          A very famous Doctor that had cured all of his patients
          He was like a good omen to their hospital/company
          He is one of the doctors who is the best and most expensive to cure patients
          Even if that is the case people still ask for him 
          And in reality he tends to treat poor patients for free sometimes if you're lucky
          And even if he is famous, he doesn't have a big head.
          Not only he deserves being confident because he is such an amazing doctor, its also because he is friends with other government workers who are also famous
          Even the President calls for them when it comes to their safety and health.
          But well look at that
          The selfless Doctor once again came to work. Sick.
          He came in with a mask on while sniffing loudly, face obviously red from his fever.
          Everyone looked towards him in a safe distance not because they're afraid of being sick but because after he came in other people followed
          Those said people are trailing behind him trying to convince him to rest.
          The famous Scientists Rosalyn and Eruhaben. A famous CEO Alberu. A famous chief who protects the President Choi Han and three children who are the geniuses of a famous prestigious school who is owned by Sherrit who is one of the geniuses mom.


They all walked inside Cales office, his real office that he didn't want.
            He chose a small one where he can laze off and work.
            They layed him down on his personal bed.
            "I told you to stay at home! If Rok Soo knows you know he will tell the President then he will personally visit home you know!"
            Yes not only they are close like this
            Their Country is found by Abyss Kim who is also their Uncle (Abyss proclaimed them as his grandchildren) 
            His right hand man are Angelina Kim and Devon Park who also proclaimed themselves as their uncle and aunt
            Their friends know but civilians don't because that will be too much attention as per Cale said.
            "I don't want to, Hyung will still go there so its best if its here so they'll wait until later" he reasoned
            They sighed "I think you guys need to bring the children back" said Alberu
            Cale frowned "All of you guys need to go. Why did you even come here? I can handle myself." Barrow rolled his eyes and everyone frowned "We'll visit you later." Eruhaben threatened
            They all nodded then left


"Cale-nim come on, you are sick!" When you first hear it you will think "Why will the PRESIDENTS PROTECTOR call someone nim who is lower than them?" But Oh Ho you might just die
            This is their job but their real boss is obviously this red head and everyone knows unless you are not from there of course
            Better not make him your enemy because everyone will be your enemy
            Of course even the owner of the Hospital suddenly came down from the elevator and pushed all of them in because of the chaos they are making.
            Well that is what they think.
            They are three twins born from the Thames
            Cale Barrow-Thames, Cale Thames-Henituse and Rok Soo Kim-Thames but they only go with their chosen names.
            They are a rich family from the Henituses who is also a famous company.
            The oldest Barrow is the owner of the hospital. The middle child Rok Soo is the left hand man of the President himself and Cale the youngest.
            Even the CEO is secretly the Presidents son.
            Its all a secret.


TOTCF AU again.
          Cale Henituse is Kim Rok Soo's Vtuber name
          His Vtuber model is made by Jour and Deruth who are only in their 20's and friends 
          At first when I read TCF I thought that LSH and CJS was actually Alberu and Choi Han but just from anothwr world
          So the twist in this AU is that his Hyungs are actually Alberu Crossman and Choi Han which are their Vtuber names as well
          White Star's real name is Cale Barros and is actually KRS's twin but nobody knows that and they are called rivals because they always play against each other
          The others are the fandom but they know each other irl and they have been there since the start of their Vtuber careers
          They stream on YouTube and Twitch and also all from the same company.
          Maybe the others are Vtubers as well and just have this persona.
          But the company is most likely owned by GoD or that is what they call him specially as a joke
          His screen name is Abyss idk about the real name.
          Someone anyone who can make this please @ me wheneverrr


@MystiSecrets ahhhh. Alright. That makes more sense


@-WhatIsLifeAnymore- I don't mean it like that I mean it as Jour and Deruth knows how to draw and they made Cales model so he calls them Mom and Dad like other Vtubers but since they also make other Vtuber models like for example a wait I forgot something
            Jour is Cales real creator Cale not KRS her online name is Drew and she is no longer active while Deruth is partnered with Violan another artist who made Vtubers Lily and Basen
            His real parents are still the ones who raised him as KRS


@MystiSecrets how old is Rok Soo? Cuz if he's something like 18,Jour and Deruth have had him at 2... Unless he's adopted


So like what if there was a fic where TCF characters are in ORV but not like crossovers but they have the same plot
          Now you might be thinking that those don't really make sense since they are so far apart their personality well hear me out. 
          OG TBOAH in ORV. 
          OG Cale definitely acts like KDJ
          TBOAH Choi Han is definitely YJH
          TBOAH Alberu can be HSY but dark elf cause I can see that dark elves are more free and joyful so I can see it unlike crown prince blonde persona I think that Dark Elf TBOAH Alberu is very fun to be with I can also see him being a writer too
          Soooo is there a book orrrrr? 
          If there isn't author-nims please-


Another random fic idea.
          Spy x Family but BUT ORV characters
          Spy x Family buttt TCF characters
          Someone please send me the link and sauce if there is-


@MystiSecrets I can already imagine joongdok with biyoo lmfaooo
            Loid is Yjh while Kdj is Yor as always Biyoo is Anya☆


My mind has been going south even though I have like 6 homeworks anf 2 projects but thats besides the point.
          The point is since its going south I need to see a striper modern Cale AU where there is a harem but Cale is someone who totally never sleeps with anyone and is still a virgin and here is the plot twist he is actually a famous assassin traned by Ron who is her adopted father and Beacrox her step-brother and no there will be no Beacrox × Cale purely just brotherly relationships
          Anygays he is an assassin called something something (too lazy to think of one) and back in the past when his mother died deruth decided to run away leaving cale alone and that is where cale himself un-fathered deruth and ron adopted him 
          Here is the catch he is an assassin working for the government aka a spy every other spies knows him as he is very famous and now they have to target a big mafia boss code name white star to finish his evil doings and to do that cale needs to seduce him and just like that harem started.
          The moment they all met they were all mesmerized by cales beauty ofc and then in the mission he needed to wear revealing clothes as it is necessary.
          Cales used to hide with the name KRS who is his brother who works for another enforcement of the government who is his older brother that he rarely meets but is very close to (Cale is KRS and KRS is OG Cale) and now things happen here and there and then after that they had a talk about cale and they all liked him but in the end idk 
          So its a striper aka not striper but actually government assassin spy fanfiction 〜(꒪꒳꒪〜)
          And if there is please tell me ლ(・﹏・ლ)


Idea of another TOTCF book: 
          Me who still has unfinished work that deadline is today and unfinished chapters on my Demigod Cale Book: 
          Book Idea: Villain Cale but there is a twist
          WS and OG Cale have known each other since childhood and started dating until WS went to get the dragon egg and stopped meeting Cale
          That is until he heard the news of Cale being beaten by Choi Han and ever since then his goal changed from being a god to giving Cale revenge
          They both have a curse from the sealed god because WS betrayed him 
          He then took Cale and they bonded until WS and Choi Han met and killing him
          Cale was mad and took WS's role as they look the same
          Also WS looks like KRS and has long red hair always but to other people they see a random person because WS always uses illusion magic on his appearance 
          And so Cale Thames now known as White Star started his revenge on those so called heroes until the real White Star knew after that he took after his role again and decided to marry Cale
          They are happy at the end because they got world domination or the ending can be Cale died because Choi Han killed him and WS was so furious he went on a rampage killing everyone then himself or maybe the other way because Cale also looked for the ancient powers making him and WS be an unstoppable duo but of course since Choi Han is the protag iykyk
          Cale Barrow betrayed the sealed god and did everything for Cale.
          And yes this is a OG Cale x WS book
          I've had this idea for days now and if there is a book like this then please @ me in it! And if someone does this then please @ me as welll I really wanted to do it but I suck at angst Someone please do it thouggghhh (~ ̄³ ̄)~


@MystiSecrets This is gonna become my new 3am thought lmao


-Trash of the Counts Family-
          “Human wake up!”
          “Y-you promised us that-“
          Raon felt a pat on his head
          They can see Cale smiling at him at them lovingly
          “I-im sorry..” 
          “I promise... I will be okay..”
          Those were the last words of the hero Cale Henituse as he went down with the enemy sacrificing himself for world peace
          “No no no NO!”
          “H-HUMAN WAKE UP!”
          “YOU PROMISED!”
          “WAKE UP WAKE UP!”
          Raon cried 
          “Don’t call me that.”
          “Human- my human can be the only one who can call me that.”
          “I don’t care what you call me! Bring me back my human!”
          Raon for the first time released his aura towards them
          Towards his family
          “I WANT HUMAN”
          “Y-you guys can save him right!? No you have to save him! I c-can’t I need my human! W-why did he-“
          Eruhaben whispered as he carry Raon slowly patting his back
          The black dragon sobbed loudly as the others can’t hold it any longer and cried as well
          The person they loved the most
          The person who saved them
          Who fed them
          Who loved them
          The unlucky bastard who always sacrifices himself to them
          He can’t be right?
          That can’t be!
          They need him!
          They know it is selfish but if they would need to pay the price with their life then fine!
          They don’t care..
          They need him.
          Cale smiled slowly as he looked at a portrait
          “You guys are so stupid..”
          He cried silently as his family exchanges their lives for him 
          Living quietly in their house
          With the ghosts of the people he once loved 
          His family.
          Idk if its good or not but I hope its at least okay
          Got a random idea of angst to do before heading to sleep
          And yes this is my first ever written angst since I felt like sleeping with sadness today
          Good night everyone!


@MystiSecrets Goodnight Mysti-chan! I'm looking for Aina-chan so if you find her please tell me! Thank you! 


@MystiSecrets More many angst today...
            Btw, Mysti-chan it was so good.......poor Raon....but more than that poor Cale. I feel like all his efforts and sacrifices have been meaningless......he still ends up as the last one remaining......*sob*