Please, look it up. It’s in Spanish, but everyone needs to know. Something is going on and it isn’t right. There not a lot of news about missing children in Disneyland and that’s because they were hiding it.
Don't go to Disneyland. A little girl went missing from Disneyland in the bathroom by herself, mother went in after waiting for 10 min and she sees a man taking her daughter underneath then try to get someone attention. The police from Disneyland took the mother away without even trying to open or break the ground to find a tunnel. People who work there all says there are tunnels under Disneyland and many children have gone missing before many time, but Disneyland never said anything about it or let the news show it. So, please don't go to Disneyland.
This happened in California, but now it got me thinking what about the other Disneyland other places? So, please don't go! It time to boycott Disneyland! ✊
P.S Please, don't let your little nephew or niece, or younger siblings or little cousins go anywhere by themselves and never lose sight of them. If anything like this happened in Disneyland then it can happen anywhere. It breaks my heart to hear stuff like this happening to young children especially at places that support to be safe or secure.
Disneyland is trying to hide it and make the mother look and sound crazy. Workers that work there all say there are tunnels and agree with the mother.